A. List 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap. If anyone else wants to do this, feel free to do so, just please let me know that you did it so that I can come and read yours. Ok, ready or not....here are 10 totally honest things about me.
1. I hate to be at a stop light and hear the music in the car next to me. Music courtesy is a must. I do not want to hear your Ipod playing either....with the earpieces in YOUR ears.
2. I am adult ADD. When I was a kid....we were called incorrigible.....they did not have drugs for it then. I survive without drugs now....but sometimes...when someone is tapping a pencil on a desk....it sends me off the deep end. I can multi task...but not if there are too many things going on.....activity distracts me.
3. I sang for Kennedy and Nixon....when I was in second grade and a junior in high school. I wish I could say it was truly FOR them....it was more to them. They both attend programs I was in....and I had a little solo part.....but still....I mean come on....two presidents.
4. I stuffed succotash in an empty milk carton in second grade....only to be ratted out by a classmate and made to eat the milky mess.....gagging every bite. I hate succotash to this day.
5. My first car, a 1968 Satellite, I have street raced. My dream...and I am sure the dream of every little girl....was to be a funny car driver....like Shirley Muldowney....or be in the powerpuff derby. Something about smashing cars....was an emotional rush for me.
6. I have actually fried an egg on the pavement in Yuma.....to prove to my kids how hot it was. I drew quite a crowd....and amazed people on the streets with my culinary prowess.
7. Bad thing.....I have an addictive personality. When I start things....I do it like gang busters until the next new thing comes along. I also overindulge in other ways too....so keep the chocolate cake locked up when I am around.
8. I am the queen of sarcasm. I teach high schoolers....what else do I get to do for entertainment. My aging parents also live with me....both have lost some of their faculties...if I did not have sarcasm....I would be depressed all the time....but sarcasm....keeps the humor alive.
9. I have some really short arms. If I drop my hands to my side...my hands don't even reach the tops of my thighs.....kind of funny.....our school adopted fingertip length as a dress code skirt length once....til I stood up in a faculty meeting and dropped my arms. After the laughter subsided....I was not sure whether I was angry, hurt, or what. I could have auditioned for a part in the Wizard of Oz as a munchkin with these arms...lets face it.
10. I won't eat alone in a restaurant....if I can't get it to go....I won't get it at all.
I am passing the award on to: Marty's Musings, Trina, Sweet Tea, Bloggeritaville, Andy, Kelsey, and MMMM....Smell This.
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