Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tres Amigos

Here we are.....the three amigos. One of us is earth, one fire, and the last one is water. We have a ball together. We have cruised the Carribbean together, covered the entire state of Florida, we are just BFF's. I love both of them.

Jo, the one in the hat, is a pistol. You would love her. She is a spitfire. Jo is a widow and Mary and I were both there when she went down that road. We did not want her to be alone. We also were with her when her second love died. That one was kind of strange....you see....Mary and I did not like him....one little bit. Who knows....we were probably jealous about the time he was stealing from us.....but when we went to Louisiana to attend Pat's funeral with Jo....we met a person we did not ever know....It is our job to be supportive of each other and we take that assignment very seriously. Now, back to Jo....let me tell you about this woman....she is amazing she can do anything a man can do around a house....quicker and better. She is an excellent cook. She truly can bring home the bacon....and fry it up in the pan. You have not lived until you have eaten her chicken and dumplings. I don't even like the things but I love hers. She is just the neatest person ever. She dresses with a sensual style....and has an aura about her I envy. She never meets a stranger and owns any room she walks into. I wish I could do that....but alas....I cannot.

Mary, the one holding the hat....is very different. She is my soulsister for sure. I believe without a doubt that we truly were sisters from birth....just from other mothers. We can finish each others sentences.....now that can be scary. We can carry on multiple conversations with each other. Most of the people we meet think we are blood relatives. We are both very protective of the other. The two of us have a lot in common. We have children who walk to different drummers....as did we. We are both transplants to Alabama.....we both love to read, scrap book, mess with computers, mess with photography (although she is better than me.) Mary is a military brat. She has lived all over the place but finished her years at home in Monroe, Louisiana. She can spout forth great words of wisdom in cajun and in french. She has a fascinating family history....especially the story about the Margarite law....still on the books in Louisiana. She loves the outdoors. She kayaks with her son, Jessie. She loves the beach.....and is very protective of my lilly white skin when we go to soak up the rays. We are business partners. We have a little travel agency on the side called Two Teachers Travel and we also have a couple of booths at Long Leaf Antiques and Flea Market in our town. We love hunting for the perfect thing to sell. Mary has a wonderful hubby, Bill. Now that man can do things on a grill that should be being sold in restaurants. I feel guilty that we get to eat his fare and the rest of the world does without. Too bad....so sad! I can't imagine my life without her in it. She picks up the pieces when I break, gives me strength when I am weak....and kicks my butt when I do something stupid. What a friend!

We are all a bit ADD. You cannot keep any of the three of us focused for any length of time. Mary and Jo share tats. They each have at least one. The only ones I have ever had were painted on in henna....or peel and sticks. I hate the thought of pain....and a needle. It doesn't matter if we have a barrel of money....are ragged and funny....we travel along.....singing our songs....side by side. Praise the Lord for such awesome friends. I hope when we are ninety and in the nursing home....people will still believe how cool we are.

Chao for now,


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