Let me introduce you to my special guy. He is a great man.....at least to me. Meet Frank, the love of my life, the carrier of many of my heaviest load, the listener of my woes, my biggest fan. Frank is a part time United Methodist Pastor at Waverly United Methodist Church, part time college student, and full time assistant manager at Arby's. On top of all this is helps me be a caregiver for my parents. He truly has earned his crown in heaven....with many jewels. Frank is a romantic from the bottom of his great big heart. He proposed to me on the Fourth of July....right after I sang at Thunder on the Hooch in Columbus. When I turned to leave the stage....just as the fireworks went off....there he was...on his knee....holding out his mother's engagement ring. I could have leapt off the stage...and of course I said a hearty, "Yes!" What a guy. He is a very special man. I told him when we started dating that if my daughter did not like him there was not much point in trying to have a relationship.....he won her over almost immediately....but she also won him over. Kat adores Frank and he loves her....as if she were his daughter....just like Amy in the picture. I remember the first time he told her he loved her. They were talking on the phone and he got ready to end the call....and just naturally said....,"I love you." I saw a look of surprise when he realized what he had done....and I saw it become a smile....when I guess she responded to him in kind. That is just what kind of man he is.....loving. He is a true people person. People really like him...and I think that was one of the things that drew me to him....he has an air about him that says....I am good with me. I don't have that aire. I am not always good with me....but when I am with him....I never doubt myself. I want to give the world to him....but it really wouldn't matter. He is tickled with whatever I give him....although I think Disney World would be a big plus. He can make you laugh, has a wonderfully full laugh, and the tenderest tears. He is man enough to be macho....and yet tender enough to cry when someone is hurting or something touches his heart. If I live to be 100 I will be thanking God everyday for this wonderful man. Today is nothing special, it is not our anniversary or anything...it is just Friday and I was sitting here loving him alot and wanted to tell him....and you guys too.
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