See the handsome white haired man sitting at my dining room table. That man is very special to me. He is my father. The white hair has been there since he was 40....and no, I was not THAT bad a child. He comes from a family of premature grayers. I am 54 and my hair is nearly as white as his. Well, today we had our first round of chemotherapy.....this handsome man has cancer. I went with my mom and him today so I could see if she could handle this without me having to take days off from work. Small problem, my mom does not sit still....we sat reading for about an hour...and then she began to fidget....so while she ran errands and piddled around in town....and I sat and watched the carboplatin and the taxateer drip into my dad's port. He looked so peaceful sitting in his recliner....sleeping.....his gentle face......I occassionally reached out and stroked it only to watch him stir slightly in slumber. I love this man. I wish I could do this for him....but I know I cannot. This is one path he must walk alone. I can cheer him on from the sidelines....and hope that he does not have the bad side effects possible....pray for him....and love him.....and my mom. Cancer is an ugly word. I would not wish this on any family....least of all mine. I know that sounds kind of selfish....but it is honest. Again, I am thankful that I am a Christian....because Psalm 68:19 in the New International Bible tells me " Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. " I don't have to go through this alone. How do people do it who are not believers? I am glad I don't have to find out. I can truly say Happy Tuesday....because I have a loving Father.....and father.

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