Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1770 Georgia - A little clothing for the slaves...

John Channing letter 26 June 1770 to William Gibbons, Jr. 
Description: Letter Channing writes to Gibbons. Gibbons will be looking after Channing's slaves while Channing is away.

"I am going out of Town for a fortnight or more and am Apprehensive Cap[tain] W...son may sail before my return have givien him directions for 5 pieces of Negro Cloth to be shiped on board him which I believe will be more than wanted, one piece is coarser the the rest which I intend for the Children. Amey, I believe can cut them out without any difficulty, indeed most of the Country born and some of the others have always chose to have the Cloth given them and their Wives and Sisters to cut it out and make them up for them and as they are better satisfyed and a matter of indifference you'll please still indluge as many as desire it the same."

 William Gibbons, Jr. Papers. (Georgia) Special Collections Library, Duke University.

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