Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Butterfly and a Creepy Guy

I found a butterfly in my yard the other day.

Oh, hello! It's Natalie the Butterfly.

Ahem. Excuse me. (BANG!)

I just ran into the house. She's amused.

This is what she's going to be for Halloween. It's not one of her many dress up outfits. I bought the costume last year at Gymboree for a fantastic deal.

Natalie did NOT want to take the costume off.

"Can't I just keep wearing this?"

"No. You can have it for good AFTER Halloween. I know you. You'll roll around in the mud while wearing it and insist that you're a muddy butterfly."

"I'm a SILLY butterfly!"

And then I made farting sounds to get her to smile:

Then this creature showed up:

(Getting him to take a picture was not easy. "NOW what do you want from me?" he bellowed when I asked him to come over.)

Added bonus? The eyes light up!

I think Tommy's Halloween days are numbered. And he's fine with that because he's not a fan of much candy anyway.

Naturally I get to pick out the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups after we go trick or treating. It's my payment for taking them around the neighborhood you see.

Only fair.

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