Friday, October 25, 2013

My Daughter Looks Constipated In Her School Picture. Does Yours?

My son's school picture came out normal. I mean, yes, he's doing a fake I'd-like-to-go-now smile but still. He's handsome.

My daughter?


Let's just go back in time.

She's always been stubborn in front of the camera. If you aren't amusing her, she's not interested. This was discovered when she was newly born and the hospital tried to get good shots of her. She kept moving her head to the side.

She WOULD NOT look up. The photographer tried to position her head and this is when Tom freaked out.

"Please don't force my daughter's head like that," he snapped. She already had him wrapped around his finger. Natalie, not the photographer.

Needless to say, we did not get any hospital pictures because soon after Natalie cried angrily. And when I say cry, I mean screamed bloody murder. She's never had a problem with using her lungs.

Fast forward a couple of years. I have been noticing that when a photographer tries to get her to smile that she gives them her fake smile.


This is her at Disney World after doing the Bippity Boppity Boutique. The photographer would simply call out, "Smile!" and Natalie would do that.

I should have made farting noises. Or ran into the side of the store. But that would have alarmed the worker who might have sent me to Disney Jail.

Farting noises and running into a wall have always made Natalie laugh. It's how I get shots like these:

Anyway, here's Natalie's school pictures:

"She looks constipated," I told Tom.

"She looks scared," he said.

"The man wasn't making farting noises," Natalie informed us primly. I could picture her walking over and saying, "You need to fart for me or else I won't smile."

Needless to say we returned the photos and had her do a re-take. We have not received those back yet. I'm a little worried because before we walked to school she said she was going to smile like this:

I'd keep that one....

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