Thursday, October 17, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Tiny Kids In The Front Seat

"Why aren't they wearing a seatbelt?" Natalie asked from the backseat as we drove home from Dallas.

Good question.

I had noticed that many people we passed in vehicles were not wearing their seatbelt. Why? Were they not worried about being ejected from the car if they crashed? Had they not seen Grey's Anatomy?

I feel naked without my seatbelt. I click it in place the second I sit down. I won't move my car unless everyone is buckled in. I don't care if you don't like seatbelts. You'll wear one in my car.

I also spotted tiny kids in the front seat. I'm talking under five. In the front seat. I'm sorry, but that's not safe. My son, who is 11, is STILL not allowed to be in the front seat. I HAVE seen Grey's Anatomy, I know kids can easily go through a windshield if they aren't tall enough. I told Tommy he can ride up front when he's 13. Maybe I'm being overprotective. But I'd rather he didn't get tossed through the windshield if it's all the same...

And SMALL kids. What the crap? Don't States have laws about that? How can someone tell their three-year-old, "Yes, sit up front with me," and not WORRY? We passed a car where this tiny kid was up front. No carseat. He had a seatbelt on at least but most of it covered his face. Basically the kid would be a goner or be injured horribly if he was in a crash. I wanted to gesture to the driver, "Too small. I see there is an empty backseat. Why is your son not back there?" But, well, I've also seen the late night news and know if you gesture at drivers, sometimes they pull out a gun and blow off your head. We were in Texas, after all.


My kids will always wear seatbelts. And they'll remain in the backseat until I feel the front seatbelt fits them correctly.

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