Monday, October 28, 2013

My Computer Died

I knew it was sick.

My poor Dell computer. The one I had for six years. It had started to run slow and then would freeze at random moments, never to come back. I got the blue screen of death twice. I would pet the tower and go, "Please, please, please don't die on me." This alarmed my husband when he returned from his deployment.

"I know I've been gone awhile but this is borderline crazy," he said.

"It's been loyal to me for YEARS!" I explained.

"It's old. We'll get you a new one," Tom said kindly.

"So when I get old are you going to get yourself a new wife?" I replied.

Tom blinked. "No! We're talking about a computer!"

I thought maybe my computer would snap out of it. I deleted many photos thinking that maybe all my crap that I've saved over the years was weighing it down. But no. It would still freeze. So I took it into the Geek Squad.

"Maybe it's some strange virus," I told Tom. "It'll be okay."

"Amber, it's old. Prepare yourself that it might not be okay," he answered.

"It will be!"

Only it wasn't.

I got a call from the Geek Squad telling me that my computer had failed every test that they ran on it.

"Every one?" I repeated.

"I'm sorry, yes. It's the hard drive. You can buy a new one but since the computer is old, there's no saying that something else might break down."

I thanked him, hung up, and promptly burst into tears.


Tom, who was on his laptop, turned around and went, "Are you seriously crying over a computer?"

"YES! I loved it!" I said dramatically.

"Here Mommy, you can have Pinkie Pie. She'll cheer you up," Natalie said, pressing her pony into my hand.

"I thought it would be okay," I sniffled.

"I warned you," Tom said. He was beginning to look uncomfortable. He's not a fan when people start to cry. "I said I'd get you a new one."

Tom has always been generous. He's always telling me, "Buy what you want." He's really lucky I don't have expensive tastes.

"Now I have to used to a whole new computer," I sighed.

So now we're figuring out what I should get. Do I want a Mac? Or go back to a Dell? I know some people hate Dell's but we've never had issues. But then I hear the new Windows is horrible. But would I understand a Mac? It looks like you have to buy all sorts of extra stuff with a Mac. Or do you? Would a Mac work on our wireless Internet or does it need a specific Mac one? I am so confused. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

I miss my poor computer.

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