I have had an amazing Sunday. I have amazing Sunday's often but today was off the chart. I got up in great expectation because Kat was coming to spend the day with me. She called as I drove toward Roanoke and surprised me with the fact that she would be attending Sunday School with me. My heart soared. I met her at McDonald's and then we moved her car to Walmart. I enjoyed the ride to church more than ever. Sunday School was on Sarah and Abraham which is one of my favorite stories. It is a prime example that God can do anything. We ran late from Sunday School and so the service started about 10 after 11. My message was from Luke and on the 10 lepers, 9 of which did not say thank you for being healed. I shared a story of when I was in high school and our choir director bought donuts for us. We devoured them as teenagers do.....and went our merry ways. The problem was....no one said "thank you." It is one of those moments in your life that you never forget because you were at your worst. I know I definitely was. When church was over I checked my phone and had a message from Frank that we were eating at the Mexican Restaurant (formerly the Hub) in Wedowee, and there would be seven of us.
Kat and I got there and talked with the waiter for a long while until the restaurant began to fill up. We all ordered and Kat and I decided to split(key word here is S-P-L-I-T) Cancun fajitas. Boy were we surprised when both of us got our own pineapple filled with steak, chicken, and shrimp. We were only charged for one....and needless to say there are two take out plates in my fridge. Our waiter was absolutely the very best. His personality was so sweet. He made you feel as if you were family....not just a customer. After lunch we stopped by to visit Mrs. Jean at the Inn. Kat loves the ladies at Rock Mills and she was so tickled to get to see one of her special friends. When we got home I taught Kat how to make the crocheted scarves I make. I tried to teach her during Christmas last year....but she was having nothing to do with it. This time she took off like a house on fire. (She just texted me and said she had made seven scarves this morning!) I am one proud momma. The day was perfect. Kat and Brian are going to Moldova to be Missionaries and I was feeling a bit sad cause she would not be here on my birthday (I know...selfish!). She told me Sunday they were not going until June....my heart nearly exploded. She stayed until 4 and we had a special moment. When she left we go ready for church. Tonight at 5 TRUTH is going to be in concert. They are a Christian group of students from RCHS.
I am so excited about seeing their presentation. I did not know what to expect....and believe me....by the end of their first drama....my heart was being squeezed like a turnip. I could not keep my tears from falling down...and this was just the first number. By the end of the performance I was not sure I would be able to pray. This performance was amazing. We all went to the community center and had dinner. There was plenty for all and my day ended.....and it was amazing....from beginning to end. I love days like this....don't you ? I hope your day was as good as mine.
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