**CLOSED! Winner posted here**
What would you do if your son liked playing with Disney princesses and enjoyed dressing up in a tutu?
That's the premise to Raising My Rainbow: Adventures In Raising A Fabulous, Gender Creative Son by Lori Duron.
Here's the synopsis:
Raising My Rainbow is Lori Duron’s frank, heartfelt, and brutally funny account of her and her family's adventures of distress and happiness raising a gender-creative son. Whereas her older son, Chase, is a Lego-loving, sports-playing boy's boy, her younger son, C.J., would much rather twirl around in a pink sparkly tutu, with a Disney Princess in each hand while singing Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi."
C.J. is gender variant or gender nonconforming, whichever you prefer. Whatever the term, Lori has a boy who likes girl stuff—really likes girl stuff. He floats on the gender-variation spectrum from super-macho-masculine on the left all the way to super-girly-feminine on the right. He's not all pink and not all blue. He's a muddled mess or a rainbow creation. Lori and her family choose to see the rainbow.
Written in Lori's uniquely witty and warm voice and launched by her incredibly popular blog of the same name, Raising My Rainbow is the unforgettable story of her wonderful family as they navigate the often challenging but never dull privilege of raising a slightly effeminate, possibly gay, totally fabulous son.
I was interested in the book the minute I heard about it. I asked myself if I'd be comfortable if my son Tommy had wanted to play with Barbies or requested a "girl" toy in his Happy Meal. The answer was, yes, of course. Naturally I'd worry if he'd be teased as the author of the book did. But the bottom line is, he's my son, therefore I'd love him either way. Plus, I couldn't blame him: sparkly things ARE more fun.
The author Lori Duron actually has a blog also entitled Raising My Rainbow. You can check it out here.
I highly recommend this book. It'll help remind you that all children are different and that it's important of being accepting. I would love to meet Lori's little boy C.J--he sounds like a fabulous kid. My daughter would also befriend him, especially if he likes Disney Princesses. She does not care if you are male or female. If you pick up a Rapunzel doll enthusiastically, you're her friend.
If you don't want to wait and see if you can win, you can purchase Raising My Rainbow on Amazon. It is also available at other fine book retailers.
A lucky reader can win a copy of Raising My Rainbow.
Giveaway Rules:
--Must live in the US
--No PO Boxes
Mandatory Entry: --LIKE the Raising My Rainbow facebook page
Extra Entries:
--FOLLOW Raising My Rainbow on Twitter
I will pick a winner on September 8th.
Good luck!
Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book to review. My opinions are my own.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
2014 Kia Soul Hamster Commercial and $25 iTunes Gift Card Giveaway!**CLOSED **CLOSED
**CLOSED Winner Posted Here**
Who all loves the hamsters in the Kia commercials?
We do!
They always crack us up.
And now Kia has come up with a brand new commercial featuring these awesome hamsters. Check it out:

This commercial made my daughter laugh and laugh. Our favorite part was when the hamster waved his butt around before diving in the pool. Natalie wanted to watch that part over and over again.
"These hamsters are so funny!" she bellowed.
We also liked when they were all dressed up in tuxedos.
Bonus? If you like Lady Gaga, you can hear her sing her song "Applause" during the commercial. So you can laugh AND dance at the same time.
The commercial isn't JUST about the hamsters though. No, the commercial depicts the 2014 Kia Soul, expected Fall 2013. The car looks amazing and if we were rich, I'd buy one. Natalie would want to get one simply because she would assume the hamsters would come with it.
The Kia Social Club is offering a lucky reader a $25 gift card to iTunes. I know this can come in handy. I feel like I'm forever buying something from iTunes.
MANDATORY ENTRY: You MUST do this or else your entry will NOT be counted. Watch the commercial and tell me what your favorite part was.
Extra Entries:
--TWEET about your favorite part of the new Kia Soul commercial using #Hamsters and @Kia
--FOLLOW Kia on Twitter
--FOLLOW my blog
For each thing you do, please leave a separate comment.
I will pick a winner on September 7th.
Good luck!
DISCLAIMER: 2014 Soul! shown. Expected Fall 2013.
Who all loves the hamsters in the Kia commercials?
We do!
They always crack us up.
And now Kia has come up with a brand new commercial featuring these awesome hamsters. Check it out:
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Kia Motors
This commercial made my daughter laugh and laugh. Our favorite part was when the hamster waved his butt around before diving in the pool. Natalie wanted to watch that part over and over again.
"These hamsters are so funny!" she bellowed.
We also liked when they were all dressed up in tuxedos.
Bonus? If you like Lady Gaga, you can hear her sing her song "Applause" during the commercial. So you can laugh AND dance at the same time.
The commercial isn't JUST about the hamsters though. No, the commercial depicts the 2014 Kia Soul, expected Fall 2013. The car looks amazing and if we were rich, I'd buy one. Natalie would want to get one simply because she would assume the hamsters would come with it.
The Kia Social Club is offering a lucky reader a $25 gift card to iTunes. I know this can come in handy. I feel like I'm forever buying something from iTunes.
MANDATORY ENTRY: You MUST do this or else your entry will NOT be counted. Watch the commercial and tell me what your favorite part was.
Extra Entries:
--TWEET about your favorite part of the new Kia Soul commercial using #Hamsters and @Kia
--FOLLOW Kia on Twitter
--FOLLOW my blog
For each thing you do, please leave a separate comment.
I will pick a winner on September 7th.
Good luck!
DISCLAIMER: 2014 Soul! shown. Expected Fall 2013.
Saturday Night Fever
I am married to a man who loves college football. I married him knowing that from Labor Day weekend until the BCS bowl games are all over that he will be glued to the television set watching it. It does not bother me. Saturday evening at 4:30 the marathon begin with the Alabama kickoff in Atlanta. We had some friends and family over for a cook out and several of them were glued to the television watching.....to see who was going to win. Once the Auburn game came on the television remote got a workout as it flipped from one game to the other.
I guess I should be delighted that Frank does not care for NFL football. While everyone was here there was a lot of talk about Johnny Football and after hearing the talk I decided to make a statement about the state of athletics today. Young kids really look up to athletes. Once the players leave college and head to the pros they make a huge amount of money. Many of them get more than I will ever be paid in my lifetime. They are put up on pedestals, idolized,....and that is wrong! They are human. They should not be placed in such a revered spot. It breaks my heart when they reach the same status as God....and then they throw it all away with some stupid action. They know that they are above rules and can do anything without being held accountable. This does not just apply to athletes, there are other people in entertainment, politics, etyc that kids look at and imitate....that maybe they shouldn't. I want to share a story with you about Mr. Hands. "This guy was good! He could catch passes most people didn’t even wave at. Opposing players looked like high school kids next to this college star. Mr. Hands (not his real name) was such a good receiver that most people were ready to give him the Heisman Trophy without even voting on it. There was no doubt he was the best player in the land. And the land had a bunch of good players. But then our hero forgot something. He didn’t forget to run the right routes for his quarterback. He didn’t forget how to wrap his strong fingers around the pigskin. He forgot one of God’s laws. You know this law. It’s the one your parents might remind you about when you don’t turn in your homework. Or when you try to sneak around and do something you aren’t supposed to. It’s the law from God that says, "Whatever you sow, that’s what you’ll reap." If you plant corn in your garden, don’t expect to come back in two months and pick tomatoes. And if you plant sin, don’t expect to turn around and find God blessing you. The Heisman Trophy candidate forgot the law when he went into a store and walked out with hundreds of dollars of merchandise that he didn’t completely pay for. Of course, he also forgot to check for a store security camera, which caught the deed on tape-but that’s another story. As a result of stealing these clothes, the football star was dropped from consideration for the Heisman Trophy. He sowed dishonesty and he reaped embarrassment. He gained some new clothes, but he lost some pretty impressive hardware. God wasn’t kidding. He meant it when he had Paul write this verse: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows" (Galatians 6:7). Do you know how much God cares for you? He cares enough to let you know how things work in His world. He doesn’t make up stuff after we do it and say, "Ha! Ha! I caught you." No, he says, "Listen, my child. Let me give you some help. If you do bad things, other bad things will follow. But if you do good things, you will be honored." Sowing. Reaping. It’s pretty clear. The football player knew that. But he thought just this once he could sneak by without consequence. Bad idea for him. Bad idea for you. God loves you, and he wants what’s best." If we are smart we will listen to what He tells us. If you go looking for trouble, it will find you.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Five Minute Friday - Worship
According to Lisa Jo's blog, "We make it something that must reek of Hemingway, Lewis, or Lamott before we’re brave enough to share it. Why? Who says? You see I think the quiet secret is that you can be a writer and no one needs to recognize your name to make that any more or less true. I think your story matters. The one you write at midnight in 600 word blog posts. The one you scrapbook. The one you piece together for your kids as you fill them in on what grandpa and grandma were like. You are a writer. You actually already are. Don’t believe me? There are over 300 brave writers who throw caution and their last names to the wind and gather here weekly to just write. With wild and loving abandon. And today – I’ve invited that group over to my other online home, the beautiful, virtual beach house called (in)courage, where you’re always welcome – just the way you are…" It is because of a statement much like this that I read on her blog that I actively participate in Five Minute Fridays. I hope you will too....
How to Join: It’s easy to join in, just:
1. Check what the prompt is.
2. Write a post in only five minutes on that topic on your blog (or in the comments below if you don’t have a blog).
3. Link over here and invite friends to join in.
4. Select the permalink to your post {so not your blog url www.lisajobaker.com but your post url http://lisajobaker.com/2013/08/five-minute-friday-story}
4. Using the blue linky tool at the bottom of my Five Minute Friday post enter your link.
5. It will also walk you through selecting which photo you want to show up in the linky.
6. Your post will show up in our Five Minute Friday linky.
Our most important requirement for participation: There’s really only one absolute, no ifs, ands or buts about it Five Minute Friday rule: you must visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community. (As for all other rules, we like to break ‘em - just ask Gretchen).
So, now be brave, set your timer and clear your head for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right. OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on the word::
I ask myself this morning. as I sit to write....just what is worship? This is what I come up with. Worship is the feeling or expression of reverence for a deity. In my case it is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Worship is something I do every morning and afternoon on Hwy 22 going to and from work. I do it in song/prayer. I look forward to my worship time then. I usually pray half way and then celebrate with worship music the other half of the trip. By the time I get to school I am all prayed up. I reverse it on the way home. I start with music and end in prayer and by the time I get home Frank does not get the brunt of a bad day.
I truly believe that I was made to bring pleasure to God in worship. From the first moment I stepped in a choir loft to sing God’s praises….whether it be a chancel choir….singing traditional music….or the Arbor singing contemporary songs….I am loving my God with every lyric, note, movement to the max. When I sing on Sunday’s….it is a case of total surrender for me….for a brief shining moment….I totally abandon myself into His arms….worship for me…..is a lifestyle. If I could only do one thing in my life…..it would be worship. When I go to church on Sunday….or Weds….or whatever day….it is my safety zone, my happy place … a place where I can find God….when I can’t seem to find Him anywhere else. I am refreshed here….I am revived here….I am renewed here….I am alive and I worship! This is what it is for me.....
How to Join: It’s easy to join in, just:
1. Check what the prompt is.
2. Write a post in only five minutes on that topic on your blog (or in the comments below if you don’t have a blog).
3. Link over here and invite friends to join in.
4. Select the permalink to your post {so not your blog url www.lisajobaker.com but your post url http://lisajobaker.com/2013/08/five-minute-friday-story}
4. Using the blue linky tool at the bottom of my Five Minute Friday post enter your link.
5. It will also walk you through selecting which photo you want to show up in the linky.
6. Your post will show up in our Five Minute Friday linky.
Our most important requirement for participation: There’s really only one absolute, no ifs, ands or buts about it Five Minute Friday rule: you must visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community. (As for all other rules, we like to break ‘em - just ask Gretchen).
I ask myself this morning. as I sit to write....just what is worship? This is what I come up with. Worship is the feeling or expression of reverence for a deity. In my case it is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Worship is something I do every morning and afternoon on Hwy 22 going to and from work. I do it in song/prayer. I look forward to my worship time then. I usually pray half way and then celebrate with worship music the other half of the trip. By the time I get to school I am all prayed up. I reverse it on the way home. I start with music and end in prayer and by the time I get home Frank does not get the brunt of a bad day.
I truly believe that I was made to bring pleasure to God in worship. From the first moment I stepped in a choir loft to sing God’s praises….whether it be a chancel choir….singing traditional music….or the Arbor singing contemporary songs….I am loving my God with every lyric, note, movement to the max. When I sing on Sunday’s….it is a case of total surrender for me….for a brief shining moment….I totally abandon myself into His arms….worship for me…..is a lifestyle. If I could only do one thing in my life…..it would be worship. When I go to church on Sunday….or Weds….or whatever day….it is my safety zone, my happy place … a place where I can find God….when I can’t seem to find Him anywhere else. I am refreshed here….I am revived here….I am renewed here….I am alive and I worship! This is what it is for me.....
We Have Come Into His House
Verse 1:
We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him
We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him
We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him
Worship Christ the Lord. Worship Him, Christ the Lord
Verse 2:
Let's forget about ourselves concentrate on Him and worship Him
Let's forget about ourselves concentrate on Him and worship Him
Let's forget about ourselves concentrate on Him and worship Him
Worship Christ the Lord. Oh Worship Him, Jesus Christ the LordVerse 3:
Let's forget about ourselves magnify His Name and worship Him
Let's forget about ourselves magnify His Name and worship Him
Let's forget about ourselves magnify His Name and worship Him
Worship Christ the Lord. Oh Worship Him, Jesus Christ the Lord. Yep....worship....a feeling or expression of reverence for my Father...no matter where you might be and no matter how you choose to express yourself. Can I get an Amen!Singing The Homework Blues
“How do donkeys poop?” Natalie asked.
I rubbed my temples. Why was she making this difficult? Why? I had already found her underneath the table, playing silently with her Barbies. Then she had stuck the pencil above her upper lip, pretending it was a mustache.
All she had to do was her homework. One page where all she had to do was write numbers. What would it be like when she had complicated homework?
I had set her up at the dining room table and instructed her to do it. As mentioned above, she decided to play with her toys the second I left the room. When I chastised her, she acted as though she was doing her work but when I came back in, she was pretending she had a pencil mustache.
And now she was asking me about donkeys. And pooping.
Clearly I was going to have to sit with her. I instructed her to write the numbers. She did two and then went,
“My hand hurts.” She set the pencil down and flexed it.
“The sooner you finish, the sooner you can be done,” I said.
Natalie picked up her pencil. She poised it over the paper. Then she went, “So how do donkeys poop?”
“Like we do! From their butt!” I snapped. Yes, it was crass, but I just wanted her to be finished so I could watch E! news.
“Ha! You said butt!” Natalie wrote another number slowly. Incredibly slowly. You’d think that because she was writing at a snail’s pace that she’d have neat handwriting. No. She wrote the number 13 but the 3 was hovering away from the 1.
This is why I could never, ever homeschool. She doesn’t take me seriously. She takes Tom seriously. But Tom isn’t here.
“My toe looks weird.” Natalie had once again set her pencil down and was gazing at her feet.
“Could you please finish?” I asked, tapping her paper. At this rate, we’d be sitting here for hours.
Natalie picked up her pencil and began to write—and then there was a knock on the door. For the love of chocolate! I told Natalie to keep writing as I left to open the door.
Standing there was a kid trying to sell crap from that awful fundraiser I wrote about yesterday.
“Want some cookies?” he asked. He looked to be about 8 or 9.
“No, thank you,” I said kindly.
“COOKIES!” Natalie rushed over, pigtails flapping behind her. So much for her continuing to do her work. “I’d like some COOKIES!”
“We have Oreos,” I hissed at her. I was not going to pay the kid $15 for cookie dough.
“Hey, that boy is selling stuff. Don’t I need to sell stuff?” Natalie asked, concerned.
Ugh. I tossed all her stuff out when she forgot.
“Nope, you’re good.” I faced the boy again, who looked baffled. This could be because my daughter was standing in her Pinkie Pie underwear. She basically strips as soon as she comes home. “Thank you, but no cookies for us.” I shut the door before the boy could argue.
“I wanted cookies! I wanted to sell stuff,” Natalie whined.
“We aren’t supposed to sell stuff on base. It’s in the rules. That kid is breaking the rules. If we wanted to sell stuff we’d have to go off base into seedy neighborhoods,” I explained.
Natalie wrinkled her nose. “What does seedy neighborhoods mean?”
“It means someone would probably answer the door with a gun or a knife.”
Natalie’s eyes went wide. “Wow. That’s pretty rude!”
“Just finish your homework. Okay?” I said. I needed more Diet Coke.
It took one hour for her to complete one worksheet.
This is going to be a long, long year.
I rubbed my temples. Why was she making this difficult? Why? I had already found her underneath the table, playing silently with her Barbies. Then she had stuck the pencil above her upper lip, pretending it was a mustache.
All she had to do was her homework. One page where all she had to do was write numbers. What would it be like when she had complicated homework?
I had set her up at the dining room table and instructed her to do it. As mentioned above, she decided to play with her toys the second I left the room. When I chastised her, she acted as though she was doing her work but when I came back in, she was pretending she had a pencil mustache.
And now she was asking me about donkeys. And pooping.
Clearly I was going to have to sit with her. I instructed her to write the numbers. She did two and then went,
“My hand hurts.” She set the pencil down and flexed it.
“The sooner you finish, the sooner you can be done,” I said.
Natalie picked up her pencil. She poised it over the paper. Then she went, “So how do donkeys poop?”
“Like we do! From their butt!” I snapped. Yes, it was crass, but I just wanted her to be finished so I could watch E! news.
“Ha! You said butt!” Natalie wrote another number slowly. Incredibly slowly. You’d think that because she was writing at a snail’s pace that she’d have neat handwriting. No. She wrote the number 13 but the 3 was hovering away from the 1.
This is why I could never, ever homeschool. She doesn’t take me seriously. She takes Tom seriously. But Tom isn’t here.
“My toe looks weird.” Natalie had once again set her pencil down and was gazing at her feet.
“Could you please finish?” I asked, tapping her paper. At this rate, we’d be sitting here for hours.
Natalie picked up her pencil and began to write—and then there was a knock on the door. For the love of chocolate! I told Natalie to keep writing as I left to open the door.
Standing there was a kid trying to sell crap from that awful fundraiser I wrote about yesterday.
“Want some cookies?” he asked. He looked to be about 8 or 9.
“No, thank you,” I said kindly.
“COOKIES!” Natalie rushed over, pigtails flapping behind her. So much for her continuing to do her work. “I’d like some COOKIES!”
“We have Oreos,” I hissed at her. I was not going to pay the kid $15 for cookie dough.
“Hey, that boy is selling stuff. Don’t I need to sell stuff?” Natalie asked, concerned.
Ugh. I tossed all her stuff out when she forgot.
“Nope, you’re good.” I faced the boy again, who looked baffled. This could be because my daughter was standing in her Pinkie Pie underwear. She basically strips as soon as she comes home. “Thank you, but no cookies for us.” I shut the door before the boy could argue.
“I wanted cookies! I wanted to sell stuff,” Natalie whined.
“We aren’t supposed to sell stuff on base. It’s in the rules. That kid is breaking the rules. If we wanted to sell stuff we’d have to go off base into seedy neighborhoods,” I explained.
Natalie wrinkled her nose. “What does seedy neighborhoods mean?”
“It means someone would probably answer the door with a gun or a knife.”
Natalie’s eyes went wide. “Wow. That’s pretty rude!”
“Just finish your homework. Okay?” I said. I needed more Diet Coke.
It took one hour for her to complete one worksheet.
This is going to be a long, long year.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Winter In Full Bloom
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Best-selling and award-winning author, Anita Higman, has over thirty books published (several coauthored) for adults and children. She’s been a Barnes & Noble “Author of the Month” for Houston and has a BA degree, combining speech communication, psychology, and art. Anita loves good movies, exotic teas, and brunch with her friends. Find out more about Anita at http://anitahigman.com.
MY THOUGHTS ON THE BOOK: The first half of the book was captivating. The setting felt so vivid that I felt as if I was there. Australia, after reading this book, is definitely on my Bucket List. I greatly enjoyed the first half of the book, as Lily meets Marcus and her sister Camille and begins to establish relationships with the two. But in the second half of the book, when Lily goes home and she and Marcus both confront their pasts, I began to lose interest in the book and it was as if the writer changed entirely. This was definitely not an "I just can't put it down" books, Winter in Full Bloom did have an intriguing plotline of sorts and some unpredictable twists. The characters at first made you feel as if you were a part of the story. Each one had a distinct personality and they appeared 3-D. The feelings and emotions within the first pages were very realistic. The journeys experienced by each character showed clarity as they achieved understanding, faith, and forgiveness. The cover was beautiful. The book as a whole left me feeling as if something was missing.
STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE: I received an ebook copy of this title from LITFUSE as part of their blogger review program . I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
Things That Annoy Me Thursday: School Fundraisers
“And the man at the assembly said we could win prizes if we sold stuff,” Natalie said when I picked her up from school.
I knew exactly what she was talking about: a school fundraiser.
I detest school fundraisers. Yes, I understand it helps schools raise money. But I would rather donate directly to them. And I do. We do NOT do fundraisers. Before you go, “But it could be a fantastic experience for your daughter!” because I just know some fundraiser enthusiasts are reading the post shaking their heads, know this: you cannot sell stuff on this military base. So if you wanted your little Betsy to sell her cookie dough, you’d have to take her off base OR a parent could take the order form to his or her work and he or she could guilt trip his or her colleagues into purchasing $15 cookie dough.
It seems a bit slimy for a guy to come into a school and tell kids to sell junk for his company. He got them all excited by saying they could ride a limo if they sold enough. Natalie was more interested in the cheap toys which I could just BUY HER.
Here’s Natalie flipping through the catalog:
As she did, she was like, “You have to sell this stuff to win this stuff!” as though she were selling Pampered Chef or something.
Thankfully, my daughter at times has the memory of a pea, so she promptly forgot and I promptly threw everything out.
Unfortunately, this didn’t mean I was done with the school fundraiser. No, I got knocks on the door from children who did not get the memo that selling was not allowed on base. Children who found it perfectly acceptable to pound on the door at 8 PM. Where were their parents? Why would they allow this? Did they sneak out?
You get the polite kids who kindly say thank you when you decline their pitch to buy their crap although most of the time, the kid just stands at the door blinking and mutters quietly, “Will you buy something?” Then you get the Donald Trump wannabees who are like, “I need you to buy something!” and when you say no thank you they’re like, “Well, I have to sell this stuff!”
No, Junior, you do not.
I seriously want to throw tomatoes at the kids who question an adult when they say no thank you. I’m polite; therefore you should be polite too. Go home.
So yes, I hate school fundraisers. Most of America hates school fundraisers.
I’ll donate directly to the school.
I’ll buy the popcorn and pickles they offer.
I’ll volunteer.
That’s how I’ll make my contribution.
I knew exactly what she was talking about: a school fundraiser.
I detest school fundraisers. Yes, I understand it helps schools raise money. But I would rather donate directly to them. And I do. We do NOT do fundraisers. Before you go, “But it could be a fantastic experience for your daughter!” because I just know some fundraiser enthusiasts are reading the post shaking their heads, know this: you cannot sell stuff on this military base. So if you wanted your little Betsy to sell her cookie dough, you’d have to take her off base OR a parent could take the order form to his or her work and he or she could guilt trip his or her colleagues into purchasing $15 cookie dough.
It seems a bit slimy for a guy to come into a school and tell kids to sell junk for his company. He got them all excited by saying they could ride a limo if they sold enough. Natalie was more interested in the cheap toys which I could just BUY HER.
Here’s Natalie flipping through the catalog:
As she did, she was like, “You have to sell this stuff to win this stuff!” as though she were selling Pampered Chef or something.
Thankfully, my daughter at times has the memory of a pea, so she promptly forgot and I promptly threw everything out.
Unfortunately, this didn’t mean I was done with the school fundraiser. No, I got knocks on the door from children who did not get the memo that selling was not allowed on base. Children who found it perfectly acceptable to pound on the door at 8 PM. Where were their parents? Why would they allow this? Did they sneak out?
You get the polite kids who kindly say thank you when you decline their pitch to buy their crap although most of the time, the kid just stands at the door blinking and mutters quietly, “Will you buy something?” Then you get the Donald Trump wannabees who are like, “I need you to buy something!” and when you say no thank you they’re like, “Well, I have to sell this stuff!”
No, Junior, you do not.
I seriously want to throw tomatoes at the kids who question an adult when they say no thank you. I’m polite; therefore you should be polite too. Go home.
So yes, I hate school fundraisers. Most of America hates school fundraisers.
I’ll donate directly to the school.
I’ll buy the popcorn and pickles they offer.
I’ll volunteer.
That’s how I’ll make my contribution.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Hodge Podge - Vol 139
Welcome to Joyce's Hodge Podge. I look forward to this day. Everyone is welcome to play along. Answer the questions on your own blog, then hop back to Joyce's blog on Wednesday to link with the party. See you there-
1. Labor Day weekend (in the US of A) is approaching...what's something you've labored over this year? The call to preach. I did a lot of praying, gnashing of teeth, talking out loud....it was a very laborous event. I finally 'Let Go and Let God." I should have done that in the first place. It would have been a lot less stressful.
2. What is one word to describe your 'job' or career? I have to use two...because I have two "job/careers" - Job 1 - teacher and Job 2 - preacher.
3. What was your worst or least favorite job ever? Why? Working in a snack bar in a bowling alley was my least/worst job ever. The bowlers on leagues were rude, expected to be treated like royalty and tipped very poorly, if at all. I was paying for college. I needed the money. I had to work around my school schedule and got very little sleep. Most nights I fell asleep with my nose in my books trying to study. It was not a winning situation for me.
4. How do you measure contentment? Psalms 46:10a - He says, “Be still, and know that I am God. My cousin Amanda gave me a bracelet to remind me of this when my father died. This to me....is contentment .....just being still.
5. Pickles-like or dislike? What is something you eat that requires a pickle? Dill, bread and butter, sweet gherkins...what's your favorite kind of pickle? I love bread and butter pickles. I mean I LOVE them. I like dills if they are not kosher and heavy on the garlic. When I was a kid they were my favorite treat at the movies. Now....not so much. I like sweet gherkins....but really only at Christmas or Thanksgiving...on a relish tray. I can take or leave them.
6. In your current house-town-state, what is it you like living close to? Cheeha Park (highest point in the state). I love the area when the leaves are changing.
7. What is one thing on your 'want-to-do' list before summer draws to an official close? My summer has already come to a close. School started Aug 19th. I would like to get my mom's house clearned out and sold before the end of the year. Yeah, I know I am thinking large.
8. Insert your own random thought here. College football kicks off this weekend. What team will you be watching on Saturday? What foods will you be snacking on? Will you be at the game or in the living room?
2. What is one word to describe your 'job' or career? I have to use two...because I have two "job/careers" - Job 1 - teacher and Job 2 - preacher.
3. What was your worst or least favorite job ever? Why? Working in a snack bar in a bowling alley was my least/worst job ever. The bowlers on leagues were rude, expected to be treated like royalty and tipped very poorly, if at all. I was paying for college. I needed the money. I had to work around my school schedule and got very little sleep. Most nights I fell asleep with my nose in my books trying to study. It was not a winning situation for me.
4. How do you measure contentment? Psalms 46:10a - He says, “Be still, and know that I am God. My cousin Amanda gave me a bracelet to remind me of this when my father died. This to me....is contentment .....just being still.
5. Pickles-like or dislike? What is something you eat that requires a pickle? Dill, bread and butter, sweet gherkins...what's your favorite kind of pickle? I love bread and butter pickles. I mean I LOVE them. I like dills if they are not kosher and heavy on the garlic. When I was a kid they were my favorite treat at the movies. Now....not so much. I like sweet gherkins....but really only at Christmas or Thanksgiving...on a relish tray. I can take or leave them.
6. In your current house-town-state, what is it you like living close to? Cheeha Park (highest point in the state). I love the area when the leaves are changing.
7. What is one thing on your 'want-to-do' list before summer draws to an official close? My summer has already come to a close. School started Aug 19th. I would like to get my mom's house clearned out and sold before the end of the year. Yeah, I know I am thinking large.
8. Insert your own random thought here. College football kicks off this weekend. What team will you be watching on Saturday? What foods will you be snacking on? Will you be at the game or in the living room?
Sixth Grade Scares Me
All the kids looked so old. And they all seemed to be chomping on gum. A couple were staring at phones, their fingers flying against the screen.
I did not like it.
I preferred the elementary school where everyone still looked small and where there were cheerful posters on the walls with cartoon bees reminding everyone to “bee” kind. The posters on middle school walls talked about joining the cheer team. I missed the cartoon posters.
Tommy had his Open House at the middle school the other day and I got to see where all his classes were. They actually rang the bell and you got to move from class to class. I have not done this in years so when the bell went off, it sent me in a we-can’t-be-late-for-the-next-class frenzy.
By the fourth class, Natalie was beginning to look concerned. “Mommy,” she whispered. “There are no toys in any of these classrooms!”
“That’s because I’m growing up,” Tommy answered. “I’m a tween now.”
In sixth grade, he’s expected to write a monthly book report. This is going to be difficult, as Tommy hates to write and when he does, he’s like a man and is brief and to the point. “I liked it. It was good. I would read it again. The end.”
By the fifth class, Natalie was beginning to get agitated. “How many rooms do we have to visit? This is ridiculous!”
“This is my day,” Tommy responded primly.
When we were done seeing all the classrooms, Tommy wanted to show me how he could open his locker. He struggles with fine motor skills so it took him a few tries to figure it out. But I watched as he chewed on his lower lip and spun the lock around and then….
“I did it!” Tommy said triumphantly.
“Yay, Tommy!” Natalie stuck her head in the locker. “It smells in here. Where are all your things?”
It was completely empty because Tommy still doesn’t want to mess with it. He’s like me and HATES to be late so he’d rather go from class to class. So he lugs everything in his backpack.
I’m glad he’s doing well in middle school but it still petrifies me.
I still picture him like this:
I did not like it.
I preferred the elementary school where everyone still looked small and where there were cheerful posters on the walls with cartoon bees reminding everyone to “bee” kind. The posters on middle school walls talked about joining the cheer team. I missed the cartoon posters.
Tommy had his Open House at the middle school the other day and I got to see where all his classes were. They actually rang the bell and you got to move from class to class. I have not done this in years so when the bell went off, it sent me in a we-can’t-be-late-for-the-next-class frenzy.
By the fourth class, Natalie was beginning to look concerned. “Mommy,” she whispered. “There are no toys in any of these classrooms!”
“That’s because I’m growing up,” Tommy answered. “I’m a tween now.”
In sixth grade, he’s expected to write a monthly book report. This is going to be difficult, as Tommy hates to write and when he does, he’s like a man and is brief and to the point. “I liked it. It was good. I would read it again. The end.”
By the fifth class, Natalie was beginning to get agitated. “How many rooms do we have to visit? This is ridiculous!”
“This is my day,” Tommy responded primly.
When we were done seeing all the classrooms, Tommy wanted to show me how he could open his locker. He struggles with fine motor skills so it took him a few tries to figure it out. But I watched as he chewed on his lower lip and spun the lock around and then….
“I did it!” Tommy said triumphantly.
“Yay, Tommy!” Natalie stuck her head in the locker. “It smells in here. Where are all your things?”
It was completely empty because Tommy still doesn’t want to mess with it. He’s like me and HATES to be late so he’d rather go from class to class. So he lugs everything in his backpack.
I’m glad he’s doing well in middle school but it still petrifies me.
I still picture him like this:
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
A Weaver Beginning
ABOUT THE BOOK: USA TODAY bestselling author Allison Leigh introduces readers to a reluctant hero—and the woman who just might heal his wounded heart—in this newest addition to her popular miniseries, Return to the Double C! Small town deputy Sloan McCray was making amends for his past. They called him a hero but only he had to live with the difficult choices he'd made. And he certainly wasn't prepared to fall in love again, not even with his beautiful—and innocent—new neighbor, whose very presence was a balm to his troubled soul. There was no doubt in Abby Marcum's mind that Sloan was the guy for her. Though she'd moved to Weaver, Wyoming, to make a better life for her little brother, she saw her future with Sloan. Now she had to convince the man who felt unworthy of love that she and her heart were his for the asking….
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A frequent name on bestseller lists, Allison Leigh's highpoint as a writer is hearing from readers that they laughed, cried or lost sleep while reading her books. She credits her family with great patience for the time she's parked at her computer, and for blessing her with the kind of love she wants her readers to share with the characters living in the pages of her books. Contact her at www.allisonleigh.com
MY THOUGHTS ON THE BOOK: A Weaver Beginning was an extremely charming easy to read romance. I adored the characters, the town, the Weavers themselves. Being from a small town the plot of small town life was familiar and comfortable. The hero of the story, Sloan McCray was a little larger than life and struggling with what he plans to do next. His twin sister wants him to stay in Weaver. This law man is dealing with a lot of issues about his memories, his past, and his guilt. Abby Marcum has just moved too Weaver with her young brother on New Years eve. Her heat is not working, there is a ton of snow in her driveway, and she and her brother are trying unpack the car and settle in. Twenty-three year old Abby is going to be the new school nurse. Dillon, her seven year old half brother is being raised by his sister. He is shy and afraid when he meets new people. The three begin a relationship that made me smile. It was a sweet read and I completed the book in a day.
DISCLAIMER: I was given this ebook to read and asked to give honest review of it when done by Netgalley Publishing Group and Harlequin Publishers. Thank you for giving me the chance to read this book.
A Weaver Beginning was a charming romance. I liked the characters, the town, the Weaver family. The plot was small town life. It did have two love scenes that I skipped over.
Sloan McCray has spent the year in Weaver and is not sure what he plans to do next. His twin wants him to stay in Weaver. He does not see himself as a hero. As a hard time dealing with his memories and guilt.
Abby Marcum has just moved too Weaver with her young brother on New Years eve. The house she bought heat is not working. Their is lots of snow in driveway as she tries to unpack her car. She is 23 and the new school nurse who will start in a few days.
Dillon is her 7 year old half brother that she has raised for the past two years. He is cute but really shy. He is afraid when he sees the stranger with snow shovel coming over from next door.
Sloan helps her carry stuff inn and when he realizes that the house is cold and that she plans to heat with fireplace till after the holidays. He brings her wood starts the fire, shovels the driveway for her before he tells her who he is. A sheriff deputy who was in the news for getting biker gang busted up working undercover deep undercover.
Dillon takes to his neighbor when he finds out he has a badge and gun.
I smiled a lot reading this story. Dillon is cute and can really say the wrong thing at the wrong time as all kids tend to do sometimes.
I was given this ebook to read and asked to give honest review of it when done by Netgalley and Harlequin.
publication: September 17th 2013 by Harlequin Special Edition 224 pages ISBN 0373657706 (less)
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A frequent name on bestseller lists, Allison Leigh's highpoint as a writer is hearing from readers that they laughed, cried or lost sleep while reading her books. She credits her family with great patience for the time she's parked at her computer, and for blessing her with the kind of love she wants her readers to share with the characters living in the pages of her books. Contact her at www.allisonleigh.com
MY THOUGHTS ON THE BOOK: A Weaver Beginning was an extremely charming easy to read romance. I adored the characters, the town, the Weavers themselves. Being from a small town the plot of small town life was familiar and comfortable. The hero of the story, Sloan McCray was a little larger than life and struggling with what he plans to do next. His twin sister wants him to stay in Weaver. This law man is dealing with a lot of issues about his memories, his past, and his guilt. Abby Marcum has just moved too Weaver with her young brother on New Years eve. Her heat is not working, there is a ton of snow in her driveway, and she and her brother are trying unpack the car and settle in. Twenty-three year old Abby is going to be the new school nurse. Dillon, her seven year old half brother is being raised by his sister. He is shy and afraid when he meets new people. The three begin a relationship that made me smile. It was a sweet read and I completed the book in a day.
DISCLAIMER: I was given this ebook to read and asked to give honest review of it when done by Netgalley Publishing Group and Harlequin Publishers. Thank you for giving me the chance to read this book.
A Weaver Beginning was a charming romance. I liked the characters, the town, the Weaver family. The plot was small town life. It did have two love scenes that I skipped over.
Sloan McCray has spent the year in Weaver and is not sure what he plans to do next. His twin wants him to stay in Weaver. He does not see himself as a hero. As a hard time dealing with his memories and guilt.
Abby Marcum has just moved too Weaver with her young brother on New Years eve. The house she bought heat is not working. Their is lots of snow in driveway as she tries to unpack her car. She is 23 and the new school nurse who will start in a few days.
Dillon is her 7 year old half brother that she has raised for the past two years. He is cute but really shy. He is afraid when he sees the stranger with snow shovel coming over from next door.
Sloan helps her carry stuff inn and when he realizes that the house is cold and that she plans to heat with fireplace till after the holidays. He brings her wood starts the fire, shovels the driveway for her before he tells her who he is. A sheriff deputy who was in the news for getting biker gang busted up working undercover deep undercover.
Dillon takes to his neighbor when he finds out he has a badge and gun.
I smiled a lot reading this story. Dillon is cute and can really say the wrong thing at the wrong time as all kids tend to do sometimes.
I was given this ebook to read and asked to give honest review of it when done by Netgalley and Harlequin.
publication: September 17th 2013 by Harlequin Special Edition 224 pages ISBN 0373657706 (less)
Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!
I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.
To not care that North West was finally revealed.
To worry about Natalie doing her homework. She’ll have homework Tuesdays and Thursdays. She can be incredibly stubborn about doing it. “But!” she’ll argue. “I was just in SCHOOL. Why am I doing more SCHOOL WORK?”
To not care that Ben Affleck will be Batman. I really don’t care about those movies. I’ll watch them, because my husband wants to, but I could care less who plays the man in black.
To have passed on watching the VMAs. I don’t get a lot of music of today. I don’t understand the dressing in odd outfits and making a spectacle. I just want to hear good music, I don’t need a huge production, unless of course I’m at a musical.
To also have not cared that NSYNC performed. I was never a fan. I liked some of their songs but I was never a teenager who screamed for boy bands.
To have a giveaway for a signed DVD of Standing Up here! It’s about kids who stand up to bullying.
To have found these at WalMart. Yum!
To not care that North West was finally revealed.
To worry about Natalie doing her homework. She’ll have homework Tuesdays and Thursdays. She can be incredibly stubborn about doing it. “But!” she’ll argue. “I was just in SCHOOL. Why am I doing more SCHOOL WORK?”
To not care that Ben Affleck will be Batman. I really don’t care about those movies. I’ll watch them, because my husband wants to, but I could care less who plays the man in black.
To have passed on watching the VMAs. I don’t get a lot of music of today. I don’t understand the dressing in odd outfits and making a spectacle. I just want to hear good music, I don’t need a huge production, unless of course I’m at a musical.
To also have not cared that NSYNC performed. I was never a fan. I liked some of their songs but I was never a teenager who screamed for boy bands.
To have a giveaway for a signed DVD of Standing Up here! It’s about kids who stand up to bullying.
To have found these at WalMart. Yum!
Monday, August 26, 2013
25,000 Mornings: Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Life
ABOUT THE BOOK: In a relaxed, chat-over-coffee style, award-winning author of Keepers of the Testimony and Smooth Stones & Promises Fay Rowe's third book and first devotional, 25,000 Mornings, offers up daily portions of ancient, Biblical wisdom as it encourages, challenges and sometimes amuses. In her first devotional, Fay Rowe writes for both the young and young-at-heart on varied subjects such as: starting out and starting over; believing words; resting on the rock; talking to God; never giving up; being yourself and living with people; and clocks and calendars.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: At conference events, women's clubs, Sunday morning services and Bible studies, as well as in fourth grade classrooms and over coffee at Tim Hortons, Fay Rowe has shared truths from the Word of God with simplicity, candor and humour. A wife, mother, grandmother, former school teacher and award-winning author, Fay believes in refusing to settle for anything but God's best plan. (More about Fay here.)
Passionate about God's integrity and faithfulness, Fay writes with a perspective that helps believers to:
- trust God, and grow in faith
- rise above fear, one promise at a time
- effectively share their faith with the next generation
MY THOUGHTS ON THE BOOK: This book was a delight in the hustle and bustle of life. So often I find myself crowding out God's conversation with me. In this devotional Fay Rowe shows us a glimpse of how to be cheerful and trustful in all areas of our lives. It was so enlightening to take very small passages of scripture and use them to help us connect with God. This devotional is written in such an easy-to-understand manner. It is from the perspective to remind us that every day is a gift. This was a very light read for the morning when you need that reminder that life is good and God is great! This would be a wonderful gift for a coffee club friend. Loved it!
DISCLAIMER: To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, BookSneeze® has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 [...] “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Screaming Children Are Not Tolerated
When we were at the beach, this sign was on the door of the restaurant we ate at.
I stared at Natalie, who sometimes behaves as though her volume toggle is stuck on high. What if we were kicked out? Would a waiter come over and whisper, “I apologize, but your child is noisy. You’ll have to leave.” They’d pack my food up at least, right?
“Remember,” I whispered to Natalie as we walked inside. “You have to be quiet.” I pressed a finger to my lips.
Now, I knew the restaurant was of the higher end. We eat there every summer. But usually it’s adults only with the kids being left at the condo. My cousins and I would go out one night, my parents, my aunt and uncle and grandma would go out another. This year not as many people could come to the beach so we all decided to go.
Meaning no child care.
I had been prepping Natalie for awhile.
“No shouting,” I had said. “Or else you’ll be arrested.”
I know.
Shame on me and all of that. She should keep it down simply because I’m the parent and I asked her to. But Natalie doesn’t work that way.
“No yelling,” I warned another time. “Or else I have to give away all your Rapunzel toys.”
The sign on the restaurant door surprised me. That was new. It had not been there last year. This meant the restaurant meant business.
Please don’t let Natalie embarrass me, I kept thinking. Not in front of my family. Not in front of my 92-year-old grandma.
We settled down at a table. I stupidly asked the hostess for a kids menu.
“There is none,” she explained kindly.
Right. Of course.
I was informed that they did half portions on the spaghetti and other pasta dishes for the children.
Thunk, thunk, thunk.
That was Natalie tapping her spoon against her bread plate.
“No,” I said, sliding the plate away from her. “No, that’s noisy.” My eyes flicked around. Would a waiter emerge and remove us?
“Why did they fold the napkins like that? I’ve never seen a napkin in a shape before,” Tommy said, wrinkling his nose at the napkin in front of him. It was twisted in a fancy looking mountain.
“Some restaurants just do that,” I said. I sent a telepathic message to Tommy to please not fart. This was not the place to fart. Would we be removed for a fart?
Not only did I have to make sure my kids behaved, but I also had to remember not to put my elbows on the table and to sit like a lady. Or try to. I had to remember to chew with my mouth closed. I needed to stop reaching for the delicious bread that was set in the middle of the table because when I ate it, I resembled a zombie from The Walking Dead feasting on a dead carcass. I have manners. I just tend to forget them when I'm around food.
We ordered our food and I was pleased to see the kids were behaving. Natalie was amusing herself with the bread and Tommy was observing the world around him. Everything was going well! I was even able to enjoy some adult conversation. I was in the middle of listening to someone speak when I heard a clatter. It took me a few seconds to realize my daughter made the clatter because she had tipped over in her chair.
I don't...
I don't even know HOW it happened. I mean, the last time I observed her, she was rolling her bread into tiny balls. I don't know what occurred between that and falling off her chair.
I thought, oh no, are we going to be kicked out because my kid forgot how to sit? I helped her up--she did not cry, thank goodness, but she did look mortally offended.
"I don't know what happened. The chair is just mean," Natalie said with a frown.
That was the last catastrophe, I'm proud to say. My kids were well behaved. They did not need hand held entertainment to keep silent like the other kids at a table across the way. This is mainly because I do not like to share my phone. I do not have children's apps on there because it's MY PHONE. I don't want their sticky hands all over it. I would have handed it over as the last straw but thankfully I did not need to.
I remembered to chew with my mouth closed. I remembered to order dessert calmly and not shout out, "THE CHOCOLATE CAKE! Oh my heavens please give me the CHOCOLATE CAKE! My husband is deployed and I need the chocolate."
We did not get kicked out of the semi-fancy restaurant.
Parenting win.
I stared at Natalie, who sometimes behaves as though her volume toggle is stuck on high. What if we were kicked out? Would a waiter come over and whisper, “I apologize, but your child is noisy. You’ll have to leave.” They’d pack my food up at least, right?
“Remember,” I whispered to Natalie as we walked inside. “You have to be quiet.” I pressed a finger to my lips.
Now, I knew the restaurant was of the higher end. We eat there every summer. But usually it’s adults only with the kids being left at the condo. My cousins and I would go out one night, my parents, my aunt and uncle and grandma would go out another. This year not as many people could come to the beach so we all decided to go.
Meaning no child care.
I had been prepping Natalie for awhile.
“No shouting,” I had said. “Or else you’ll be arrested.”
I know.
Shame on me and all of that. She should keep it down simply because I’m the parent and I asked her to. But Natalie doesn’t work that way.
“No yelling,” I warned another time. “Or else I have to give away all your Rapunzel toys.”
The sign on the restaurant door surprised me. That was new. It had not been there last year. This meant the restaurant meant business.
Please don’t let Natalie embarrass me, I kept thinking. Not in front of my family. Not in front of my 92-year-old grandma.
We settled down at a table. I stupidly asked the hostess for a kids menu.
“There is none,” she explained kindly.
Right. Of course.
I was informed that they did half portions on the spaghetti and other pasta dishes for the children.
Thunk, thunk, thunk.
That was Natalie tapping her spoon against her bread plate.
“No,” I said, sliding the plate away from her. “No, that’s noisy.” My eyes flicked around. Would a waiter emerge and remove us?
“Why did they fold the napkins like that? I’ve never seen a napkin in a shape before,” Tommy said, wrinkling his nose at the napkin in front of him. It was twisted in a fancy looking mountain.
“Some restaurants just do that,” I said. I sent a telepathic message to Tommy to please not fart. This was not the place to fart. Would we be removed for a fart?
Not only did I have to make sure my kids behaved, but I also had to remember not to put my elbows on the table and to sit like a lady. Or try to. I had to remember to chew with my mouth closed. I needed to stop reaching for the delicious bread that was set in the middle of the table because when I ate it, I resembled a zombie from The Walking Dead feasting on a dead carcass. I have manners. I just tend to forget them when I'm around food.
We ordered our food and I was pleased to see the kids were behaving. Natalie was amusing herself with the bread and Tommy was observing the world around him. Everything was going well! I was even able to enjoy some adult conversation. I was in the middle of listening to someone speak when I heard a clatter. It took me a few seconds to realize my daughter made the clatter because she had tipped over in her chair.
I don't...
I don't even know HOW it happened. I mean, the last time I observed her, she was rolling her bread into tiny balls. I don't know what occurred between that and falling off her chair.
I thought, oh no, are we going to be kicked out because my kid forgot how to sit? I helped her up--she did not cry, thank goodness, but she did look mortally offended.
"I don't know what happened. The chair is just mean," Natalie said with a frown.
That was the last catastrophe, I'm proud to say. My kids were well behaved. They did not need hand held entertainment to keep silent like the other kids at a table across the way. This is mainly because I do not like to share my phone. I do not have children's apps on there because it's MY PHONE. I don't want their sticky hands all over it. I would have handed it over as the last straw but thankfully I did not need to.
I remembered to chew with my mouth closed. I remembered to order dessert calmly and not shout out, "THE CHOCOLATE CAKE! Oh my heavens please give me the CHOCOLATE CAKE! My husband is deployed and I need the chocolate."
We did not get kicked out of the semi-fancy restaurant.
Parenting win.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Standing Up DVD Giveaway! **CLOSED
**CLOSED! Winner posted here**
I'm always worried that my kids will be bullied. There are a lot of mean children in the world who think it's okay to be cruel towards others. Since my son has Aspergers, I especially worry about him.
There's a new movie called Standing Up that is about bullying. Here is what is about from the e-mail I was sent:
Based on one of the most beloved Young Adult novels of all time and directed by the acclaimed D.J. Caruso, Standing Up follows two kids who get bullied by a vicious summer camp prank. Left together on an island, their adventure begins once they decide not to be victims and instead they Stand Up!
Standing Up is an adorable and heart-warming gem of a movie with an important anti-bullying message that’s suitable for the whole family! Get the DVD August 20!
What can be done to help the bullied “stand up” for themselves?
One of the best things we can do to understand the problem and discuss solutions is to be inspired. The movie “Standing Up” is THAT inspiration.
This definitely sounds like something that my kids and I need to watch.
Check out the widget to learn more about the movie. You can also take a quiz and find out if you stand up to bullies. You can also have your children take the Anti-Bullying pledge. (Some adults I've encountered should probably do it too..)
A lucky reader can win a DVD of Standing Up that is signed by the director D.J. Caruso!
Giveaway Rules:
--Must be 18 or older
--Must live in the US
--No PO Boxes
Mandatory Entry: Take the quiz and tell me your results!
Extra Entries:
--Tweet about the giveaway using #StandingUp
I'll pick a winner on September 1st.
Good luck!
I'm always worried that my kids will be bullied. There are a lot of mean children in the world who think it's okay to be cruel towards others. Since my son has Aspergers, I especially worry about him.
There's a new movie called Standing Up that is about bullying. Here is what is about from the e-mail I was sent:
Based on one of the most beloved Young Adult novels of all time and directed by the acclaimed D.J. Caruso, Standing Up follows two kids who get bullied by a vicious summer camp prank. Left together on an island, their adventure begins once they decide not to be victims and instead they Stand Up!
Standing Up is an adorable and heart-warming gem of a movie with an important anti-bullying message that’s suitable for the whole family! Get the DVD August 20!
What can be done to help the bullied “stand up” for themselves?
One of the best things we can do to understand the problem and discuss solutions is to be inspired. The movie “Standing Up” is THAT inspiration.
This definitely sounds like something that my kids and I need to watch.
Check out the widget to learn more about the movie. You can also take a quiz and find out if you stand up to bullies. You can also have your children take the Anti-Bullying pledge. (Some adults I've encountered should probably do it too..)
A lucky reader can win a DVD of Standing Up that is signed by the director D.J. Caruso!
Giveaway Rules:
--Must be 18 or older
--Must live in the US
--No PO Boxes
Mandatory Entry: Take the quiz and tell me your results!
Extra Entries:
--Tweet about the giveaway using #StandingUp
I'll pick a winner on September 1st.
Good luck!
Crippling Spirits In Life
Today's sermon was about the crippled woman that Jesus healed on the Sabbath. It made a lot of people angry and yet, it made a lot of other people joyous. The scripture came from Luke 13:10-17.
The second is:II. AN UNFORGIVING SPIRIT-How many times have we heard the phrase, “That person just makes me sick!” Our unwillingness to forgive someone who has hurt us can actually make us sick! I have had people tell me, “When I get around so and so I get a headache!” That’s a spirit that can really cripple us! Studies have shown that people who carry grudges (admitted or not) have significantly reduced life spans and greater incidences of disease. The Scripture tells us that this woman was physically bent over. Human relationships are very hard to maintain. Our method of communication is faulty at best. No spoken language can completely express our thoughts and feelings. It’s like two ships sailing together in a storm, sometimes we bump up against each other. It is natural that we are going to get hurt along the way. When we refuse to forgive, the person that is hurt worse is us. By forgiving those who have hurt us, we get rid of the spirit that can cripple us.
Some of us harden our hearts and turn away with bitterness from sorrow. Others look upon Him with indifference. While some want to believe but will not make the effort to meet Him. Jesus asks us the question, “Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). I am afraid of many things. That the economy is bad, that my children will not succeed, that my own illnesses may return. The list goes on and on. Sometimes it is quite overwhelming and I want to give up. But this amazing woman gives me hope and direction.
When I face adversity, instead of looking down and inward, I strive to look up and move towards the Savior. Like this crooked woman, I have been bent and molded by my life experiences. However, I believe that they are for a greater purpose and I choose to trust in Jesus Christ. Let each of us have faith that we will lose our spirit of infirmity when we come to Him, for that is why He comes to us.
Bum Phillips, former coach of the Houston Oilers (now the Tennessee Titans) once made the comment, "There are two types of coaches in the NFL: them that have been fired, and them that are gonna be fired." His statements applies to our topic today as well. There are two types of people in the world. Those who have been hurt, and those who will be hurt. We can’t escape it. Neither can we avoid it. At some time or another, we’ll all get hurt. When you make a commitment to follow Christ, you don’t receive an exemption from getting hurt.
The Crippling Spirit:For eighteen years this woman came to church bent over. Crippled. Medically, this disease is probably what physician’s today would call Marie-Strümpell Disease, a fusion of the spinal bones. Early in the course of the disease, sufferers often find that the pain is relieved somewhat when they lean forward. So they often go through the day leaning slightly forward, and gradually their spine begins to fuse. The more they lean in order to relieve the pain, the greater the angle, until a patient might be bent almost double, as the lady in our story. She had been faithful, loved the Lord, a “daughter of Abraham.” I guess you could say she was “saved.” You have to admit that eighteen years is a long time. Everybody had accepted her condition. I suppose in a way, she had learned to live with it. I’m sure she wished every single day that she could stand straight, but had realized that nothing could be done. But this was no ordinary crippling. She had been crippled “by a spirit.” It doesn’t say it was an “evil spirit,” it was just a “spirit.” Most of us would assume that eighteen years previous she was just walking along one day and this “spirit” just came upon her and jumped on her to afflict her. She was just an innocent woman, minding her own business when this “spirit” comes along and bends her over. But that’s not the way it happens. Spirits just don’t attack us unaware. The movie “The Exorcist” would lead you to believe this can happen to just anyone. But spirits cannot go where they are not invited. Somewhere along the line, we are confronted with a decision about an attitude, or a principle of faith that we just cannot accept. God usually is trying to teach us something about living our lives for Him that will improve our servanthood, and draw us closer to Him. But what happens is we have a preset line of thought about this particular subject, and we just can’t give it up. Maybe it is something we have been taught all our lives, and we have taken it for the gospel truth, but the problem is that it doesn’t square with scripture, and we just can’t adjust to the new light that God is showing us. Or maybe it is a preconceived set of notions about life, or the church, or view of ourselves that we cherish, but has no basis in the truth. God is trying take us to a new plane of living, but we refuse to go. So we stay where we are, trying to stop change and live on a plane of unreality that leaves us open to “spirits.” And these “spirits can cripple us. They limit our effectiveness. This daughter of Abraham continued to love the Lord, but by allowing this spirit to coexist with her, she limited her ability to function in life, and limit her effectiveness in the Kingdom. So what kind of spirits can cripple us? I am going to give you three. The first is:
I. A LEGALISTIC SPIRIT - Jesus said: " `Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."(Matt. 22:37-40). But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23) The basis of our Christian experience is love. Out of love comes the commandments. But the tendency, is that as time passes, we grow cold in our relationship to God. Love fades, but the commandments remain. Every action of ourselves and others is not interpreted in the light of love, but in the light of the law. And that is exactly what Jesus preached against. This spirit of legalism is a crippling spirit, for it saps us of the love, tenderness, patience and gentleness that we need to not only get along with others but to minister to them
The third is:
III. THE CARNAL SPIRIT-The most damaging spirit in this world is the one we are born with. The carnal spirit. It is described as the “Old Man”, “Enmity with God”, etc. This is the spirit that puts “self” on the throne of our hearts. We are then in a constant struggle with God over the control of our lives. We understand what Paul meant in Romans 7:15-18 when he said, “For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.” What we do know is that we do not have to live in Romans chapter 7, we can go on to Romans chapter 8: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Unless we ask God to sanctify us holy, to remove this law of sin from our being, we will remain truly crippled. We cannot maintain our Christian experience for long with the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
The spirits that cripple us are just like a disease, we need to be healed. Jesus called this woman forward and said, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” The scripture doesn’t tell us what caused this woman to be crippled, nor give us any details of her mind on this day. But I can imagine this: For eighteen years she has been bent over, not being able to see the sky, or look someone in the eye. Every sabbath she has come, looking for hope, but it was not until the church invited Jesus in and allowed Him to teach, allowed Him to share His gospel, to be with them, that she was healed. When the church seeks God, asks for His presence and His Holy Spirit to invade our lives, cleanse us, and lift us up to a new plane of living, it’s amazing how crippling spirits seem to disappear! There are so many of us that are going through life like this woman. We may have physical or emotional pains that impair our lives. For some, the burden of sin may be crushing and paralyzing. When we are weakened and downtrodden it is hard to look up and move forward. But like this woman, Jesus sees us. He knows our hearts and the trials that we go through and He calls us to Him. Some of us harden our hearts and turn away with bitterness from sorrow. Others look upon Him with indifference. While some want to believe but will not make the effort to meet Him. Jesus asks us the question, “Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). I am afraid of many things. That the economy is bad, that my children will not succeed, that my own illnesses may return. The list goes on and on. Sometimes it is quite overwhelming and I want to give up. But this amazing woman gives me hope and direction.
When I face adversity, instead of looking down and inward, I strive to look up and move towards the Savior. Like this crooked woman, I have been bent and molded by my life experiences. However, I believe that they are for a greater purpose and I choose to trust in Jesus Christ. Let each of us have faith that we will lose our spirit of infirmity when we come to Him, for that is why He comes to us.
Cardstore.Com Review!
I love getting cards.
It seems so many people just send e-mails, which is okay, but sometimes I want an actual card.
Cardstore.com offers so many choices. I especially loved their birthday card section. I've always enjoyed sending people birthday cards and I so love receiving them. I'm a fan of the funny ones.
I was able to pick out a card and I went with a photo anniversary one. I loved the personalized touch of photos. It was really easy to create. I simply clicked on where a photo could go and that was basically it. I was finished with my card in less than ten minutes. Simple.
This was the finished product:
The photos are really clear and I know they'll bring a smile to my husband's face.
This is the inside:
Our anniversary isn't until December, but I like to get started early.
I liked Cardstore.com because they can actually send the card for you. You just add the cost of a stamp at checkout and the card will be on its way to the recipient. You can even create cards and schedule when you want them sent. I love this, because sometimes my memory stinks so it's good to know that I'll already have a card ready to go in case I forget.
To learn more about Cardstore.com, LIKE their Facebook page.
You can also FOLLOW them on Twitter.
Now go send someone you love a card!
**I was given a free card to review. My opinions are my own**
It seems so many people just send e-mails, which is okay, but sometimes I want an actual card.
Cardstore.com offers so many choices. I especially loved their birthday card section. I've always enjoyed sending people birthday cards and I so love receiving them. I'm a fan of the funny ones.
I was able to pick out a card and I went with a photo anniversary one. I loved the personalized touch of photos. It was really easy to create. I simply clicked on where a photo could go and that was basically it. I was finished with my card in less than ten minutes. Simple.
This was the finished product:
The photos are really clear and I know they'll bring a smile to my husband's face.
This is the inside:
Our anniversary isn't until December, but I like to get started early.
I liked Cardstore.com because they can actually send the card for you. You just add the cost of a stamp at checkout and the card will be on its way to the recipient. You can even create cards and schedule when you want them sent. I love this, because sometimes my memory stinks so it's good to know that I'll already have a card ready to go in case I forget.
To learn more about Cardstore.com, LIKE their Facebook page.
You can also FOLLOW them on Twitter.
Now go send someone you love a card!
**I was given a free card to review. My opinions are my own**
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Need Glasses? Check Out GlassesUSA.com!
Before I got Lasik, I wore glasses all the time. I had to, otherwise I'd walk into objects or people. My eyesight was horrible.
I was (and still am!) a fan of GlassesUSA.com because they had many styles of glasses. They have aviators, rimless, vintage....I personally love when I have different choices. I especially liked these Dolce and Gabbana glasses:
I was always a fan of the oval frames eyeglasses. I tended to wear those the most. My glasses were usually pretty thick considering my prescription was in the negatives. I'm not joking.
Thank goodness for all the prescription glasses that GlassesUsa.com carries. Without them, I would have looked quite scary indeed.
Even though I no longer have to wear regular glasses, I do like to wear sunglasses. There are also tons of fabulous choices of sunglasses, which makes me happy because I like to change up my look. It's incredibly easy to order glasses over at GlassesUSA.com so I will most likely be placing an order for some sunglasses soon.
Another thing I like about the site? Their Virtual Mirror Feature. If you're curious if a particular glasses style will look good on you, then the virtual mirror is right for you. All you have to do is upload a picture and then you can "try on" the different glasses. I absolutely love this because sometimes I might love a style but the style does NOT love me back.
Also, it might be called GlassesUSA but it has worldwide shipping so my international friends can shop! The customer service is also amazing so if you have any questions, someone will be happy to help. If you aren't pleased with your glasses for any reason, you can return them FREE. There is usually always a sale going on so be sure to check out the sales & coupons section. I love saving money. Readers of my blog can use the code Blog10 to save 10% of any order of prescription glasses.
To learn more about GlassesUSA, be sure to like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter.
So be sure to check out GlassesUSA the next time you need a pair of glasses. Your wallet will thank you!
I was (and still am!) a fan of GlassesUSA.com because they had many styles of glasses. They have aviators, rimless, vintage....I personally love when I have different choices. I especially liked these Dolce and Gabbana glasses:
I was always a fan of the oval frames eyeglasses. I tended to wear those the most. My glasses were usually pretty thick considering my prescription was in the negatives. I'm not joking.
Thank goodness for all the prescription glasses that GlassesUsa.com carries. Without them, I would have looked quite scary indeed.
Even though I no longer have to wear regular glasses, I do like to wear sunglasses. There are also tons of fabulous choices of sunglasses, which makes me happy because I like to change up my look. It's incredibly easy to order glasses over at GlassesUSA.com so I will most likely be placing an order for some sunglasses soon.
Another thing I like about the site? Their Virtual Mirror Feature. If you're curious if a particular glasses style will look good on you, then the virtual mirror is right for you. All you have to do is upload a picture and then you can "try on" the different glasses. I absolutely love this because sometimes I might love a style but the style does NOT love me back.
Also, it might be called GlassesUSA but it has worldwide shipping so my international friends can shop! The customer service is also amazing so if you have any questions, someone will be happy to help. If you aren't pleased with your glasses for any reason, you can return them FREE. There is usually always a sale going on so be sure to check out the sales & coupons section. I love saving money. Readers of my blog can use the code Blog10 to save 10% of any order of prescription glasses.
To learn more about GlassesUSA, be sure to like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter.
So be sure to check out GlassesUSA the next time you need a pair of glasses. Your wallet will thank you!
Reasons Mommy Drinks and Masterminds and Wingmen book winners!
I did a giveaway for the book Reasons Mommy Drinks by Lyranda Martin-Evans and Fiona Stevenson here.
I used random.org to pick a winner and it chose...
...number 8, which is Kenzie over at Life and Lemons!
I also did a giveawy for the book Masterminds and Wingmen by Rosalind Wiseman here.
I used random.org to pick a winner and it chose...
....number 11, which is laura w.
If you didn't win, I will have more giveaways in the future.
I used random.org to pick a winner and it chose...
...number 8, which is Kenzie over at Life and Lemons!
I also did a giveawy for the book Masterminds and Wingmen by Rosalind Wiseman here.
I used random.org to pick a winner and it chose...
....number 11, which is laura w.
If you didn't win, I will have more giveaways in the future.
Integrity Training For The Pastor
Friday, August 23, 2013
Five Minute Friday - Last
It is Friday and time for me to set my timer, clear my head, and experience five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right. So what are the rules? They are simple:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to Lisa Jo's blog and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.
Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.. OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on...
There are always lasts when there are firsts. I remember the first day of school for each of my children. I remember crying as they walked through the doors of the school. I also remember the last first day for them and the last day ever when the baby graduated. Where did the time go?
I remember the last time I lived alone. Kat was away at college and I was single once more. I remember stretched out in the floor of my living room, crying. Then Kat came home with chicken pox for ten days and I remember rejoicing....when she left. Times change when we least expect them. I eventually grew to like living alone. You don't have to answer to anyone.
I remember the last time I saw my mom. It was our Fall Break and I was going to see my friend Susan in Knoxville. We had not even been there for twenty-four hours when I got the dreaded call. If I had only known it would be the last time I would lay my head upon her chest and hear her heart beat.
I remember crying when my last graduating class of seniors took the field. This would be the last time I would be a senior advisement teacher.
I remember the last moments I spent with my dad and the last day of fall term in 2009. I will never forget that day. I arrived at school only to be told that my father was dead. I remember my friend Susan staying with me.....and then I remember when she left to go home.....she asked me if I was ok and I thought I was....it was time.....she left....and I crashed. Ten minutes later she knocked on my door.....I fell into her arms sobbing. She had forgotten her wallet. When she left again....I was fine.
Last first days, last moments spent with friends and family before they were taken from this earth. Last trips, last loves, last....last....last......but as sad as this post has made me.....I have to know that for every last I experience there will be or was a first....and I smile.
In August of 2014 I will begin my last first day of my last year. In May of 2015 I am looking forward to experiencing my last day as a teacher....but like I said....for every last....there is a first....and in June of 2015 I will experience my first day.....as a retired person. I will have arrived.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to Lisa Jo's blog and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.
Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.. OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on...
There are always lasts when there are firsts. I remember the first day of school for each of my children. I remember crying as they walked through the doors of the school. I also remember the last first day for them and the last day ever when the baby graduated. Where did the time go?
I remember the last time I lived alone. Kat was away at college and I was single once more. I remember stretched out in the floor of my living room, crying. Then Kat came home with chicken pox for ten days and I remember rejoicing....when she left. Times change when we least expect them. I eventually grew to like living alone. You don't have to answer to anyone.
I remember the last time I saw my mom. It was our Fall Break and I was going to see my friend Susan in Knoxville. We had not even been there for twenty-four hours when I got the dreaded call. If I had only known it would be the last time I would lay my head upon her chest and hear her heart beat.
I remember crying when my last graduating class of seniors took the field. This would be the last time I would be a senior advisement teacher.
I remember the last moments I spent with my dad and the last day of fall term in 2009. I will never forget that day. I arrived at school only to be told that my father was dead. I remember my friend Susan staying with me.....and then I remember when she left to go home.....she asked me if I was ok and I thought I was....it was time.....she left....and I crashed. Ten minutes later she knocked on my door.....I fell into her arms sobbing. She had forgotten her wallet. When she left again....I was fine.
Last first days, last moments spent with friends and family before they were taken from this earth. Last trips, last loves, last....last....last......but as sad as this post has made me.....I have to know that for every last I experience there will be or was a first....and I smile.
In August of 2014 I will begin my last first day of my last year. In May of 2015 I am looking forward to experiencing my last day as a teacher....but like I said....for every last....there is a first....and in June of 2015 I will experience my first day.....as a retired person. I will have arrived.
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