Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reasons Mommy Drinks Book Review and Giveaway!**CLOSED

**CLOSED! Winner posted here***

I imagine every parent has their rough days when the kids are just not behaving.

I like not feeling alone in this crazy adventure known as parenting.

It's why I was glad when I received a copy of Reasons Mommy Drinks by Lyranda Martin-Evans and Fiona Stevenson to review.

This book had dozens of hilarious essays on various topics from lack of sleep to children's music. The authors feel my pain when they want to know why their kids insist on listening to the same (annoying) song over and over again. I also loved that beside each essay there is a recipe for an adult beverage. For instance, they had one called The Shopping Maul with the suggestion "before you look at this month's Visa bill, pour yourself one of these."

I giggled and nodded along as I read this book. I think every parent needs a copy.

To learn more, check out the blog that the book is based on

Great news! I have a copy of Reasons Mommy Drinks to giveaway which is awesome, because the book doesn't release until September 10th.

(If you don't win, you can purchase it on Amazon on September 10th here! Also available at other fine book retailers.)

Giveaway Rules:

--Must be 18 or older

--Must live in the US or Canada

Mandatory Entry: Tell me what your kids do to drive you to want to drink

Extra Entries:

--LIKE Reasons Mommy Drinks on Facebook

--FOLLOW mommyreasons on Twitter

For each thing you do, please leave a separate comment!

I will run this contest until August 24th.

Good luck!!

**I was given a free copy of the book to review. I was not paid. My opinions are my own.**

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