Saturday, August 31, 2013

Raising My Rainbow by Lori Duron Book Review and Giveaway!**CLOSED

**CLOSED! Winner posted here**

What would you do if your son liked playing with Disney princesses and enjoyed dressing up in a tutu?

That's the premise to Raising My Rainbow: Adventures In Raising A Fabulous, Gender Creative Son by Lori Duron.

Here's the synopsis:

Raising My Rainbow is Lori Duron’s frank, heartfelt, and brutally funny account of her and her family's adventures of distress and happiness raising a gender-creative son. Whereas her older son, Chase, is a Lego-loving, sports-playing boy's boy, her younger son, C.J., would much rather twirl around in a pink sparkly tutu, with a Disney Princess in each hand while singing Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi."
C.J. is gender variant or gender nonconforming, whichever you prefer. Whatever the term, Lori has a boy who likes girl stuff—really likes girl stuff. He floats on the gender-variation spectrum from super-macho-masculine on the left all the way to super-girly-feminine on the right. He's not all pink and not all blue. He's a muddled mess or a rainbow creation. Lori and her family choose to see the rainbow.
Written in Lori's uniquely witty and warm voice and launched by her incredibly popular blog of the same name, Raising My Rainbow is the unforgettable story of her wonderful family as they navigate the often challenging but never dull privilege of raising a slightly effeminate, possibly gay, totally fabulous son.

I was interested in the book the minute I heard about it. I asked myself if I'd be comfortable if my son Tommy had wanted to play with Barbies or requested a "girl" toy in his Happy Meal. The answer was, yes, of course. Naturally I'd worry if he'd be teased as the author of the book did. But the bottom line is, he's my son, therefore I'd love him either way. Plus, I couldn't blame him: sparkly things ARE more fun.

The author Lori Duron actually has a blog also entitled Raising My Rainbow. You can check it out here.

I highly recommend this book. It'll help remind you that all children are different and that it's important of being accepting. I would love to meet Lori's little boy C.J--he sounds like a fabulous kid. My daughter would also befriend him, especially if he likes Disney Princesses. She does not care if you are male or female. If you pick up a Rapunzel doll enthusiastically, you're her friend.

If you don't want to wait and see if you can win, you can purchase Raising My Rainbow on Amazon. It is also available at other fine book retailers.

A lucky reader can win a copy of Raising My Rainbow.

Giveaway Rules:

--Must live in the US

--No PO Boxes

Mandatory Entry: --LIKE the Raising My Rainbow facebook page

Extra Entries:

--FOLLOW Raising My Rainbow on Twitter

I will pick a winner on September 8th.

Good luck!

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book to review. My opinions are my own.

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