Thursday, August 1, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: No Helmets

It never fails.

Whenever I go somewhere, I always see a motorcyclist without his or her helmet.

I don’t understand why.

Do they not care what will happen if they get injured?

To me it’s like they’re saying, “Hey, I don’t care if my brains get splattered all over the road.”

I really don’t get it.

Military members MUST wear helmets and protective gear.

I wish ALL motorcyclists would follow the rule. They might think they will never get hurt but one never knows. A car could accidentally smack into them and then what? They could lose control and roll across the street.

If you know a motorcyclist or are one, please wear your helmet. It might be drastically hot outside. It might not look cool to you. But it’ll probably save your life.

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