Friday, August 2, 2013

A Date With My Son

I have dates with my children.

I think it’s important to take them out one at a time so they are able to get my full focus. I can imagine it’s hard for Tommy to be heard at times with a sister like Natalie.

So I make sure to take him out, just the two of us.

When we were at Disney World, I left Natalie with her Grandma and took my boy to Downtown Disney.

We had lunch at Wolfgang Pucks. The food is amazing and yes, you can use your meal plan.

“It sure is quieter without Natalie,” he observed.

Very true.

We did some shopping afterwards. He doesn’t mind shopping. Well, to a point. If I start to take too long, he will begin to sigh. He’ll keep quiet but I can see his lips start to tighten. He’s better than his father. Tom will be like, “Why are we looking at shoes? We don’t need shoes!” or, “Why are we down the candy aisle?”

My son loves Nintendo and there was a little area set up.

You could play the new Wii U, which he loved.

“Sorry,” I said. “It’s $350 and we’ve all grown accustomed to eating and if we get that, we won’t be able to for a very long time.”

We ended up having a great time.

(And Natalie did end up getting to experience Downtown Disney at another time. She was picked to do some Irish dancing!)

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