Monday, February 6, 2012

The Dressed Up Plant

Fantastic news!

The plant is still alive.

I repeat: the plant is STILL alive.

Confused on what I’m talking about? Go ahead and click here for the story.

I’ll wait.



Anyhow, as a lot of people pointed out the plant is called a Peace Lily, which I think is a ridiculous name. If I were in charge of naming plants I’d just go with Annoying Green Things since I can never grow them properly.

I think the neighbor is returning sometime this week and she’ll be pleased to see that her plant is still alive.

And pretty.

I went in to check on it and I saw this:

Natalie decided that the plant needed a bow because it was, as she put it, "too green."

Don't worry, I removed the bow in case it cut off circulation. Or something.

Although now Natalie is saying that she thinks the plant needs a crown.

So now it has to battle two people: one who doesn't always remember to water it and another who wants to dress it up.

Heaven help the Peace Lily.

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