Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Day of Surprises!

The day started out with this:

Actually, it first started out with me going, “Ugh, it’s time to wake up already?”

Then I saw that.

Gifts from Tom. And the M&Ms aren’t just regular M&Ms. He had them personalized with “one and only,” “awesome wife,” and “love you.”

(And yes! The card had WRITING in it!)

I had the chocolates for breakfast.

Plus this:

I got Tom a Belgian Waffle Maker.

When he saw it he went, “You mean you got YOURSELF a Belgian Waffle Maker?” and I went, “Come again?” because when we were staying at the hotel in Branson, it had a waffle maker that you could use for breakfast and we LOVED it.

“I expect you want ME to make you a waffle now,” Tom continued.

Oh, God. Did I get him an awful gift? DID he think that I got MYSELF a waffle maker? It wasn’t true. I swear it was because I remembered that he said how much he enjoyed the waffle maker in Branson.

“No…no…it was because you said you liked the waffle maker in Branson. I swear! I mean, yes, would I LIKE a waffle? Someday. But not today. I—” I started.

Tom laughed. “I was kidding. I love it.”

I also got him an Angry Birds hat, plus his beloved M&Ms.

So yes, he did make waffles.

Next time I’ll get fresh berries to put on top.

The kids also got stuff:

And went to school like this:

Minus the giant lollipops.

Tom ended up leaving and picking up ANOTHER gift for me.

He said when we stopped off at the flower place that it was swamped. He was smart and put in an order a couple of days prior. Some people went last minute and seemed irritated that the store was out of roses. I mean, hello?

After we dropped Natalie off at PreK, Tom took us out to lunch. I had no idea where he was taking me. It ended up being Toby Keith’s Bar and Grill, which I really enjoy. No picture, because I was starving and gobbled up my food rather unladylike.

For dinner, we ordered the heart pizza from Papa Johns which took forever. The pizza ended up arriving looking pretty sad:

I still ate it.

It ended up being a fabulous day.

How was your Valentine's Day?

Was it just another day for you? It as basically just another day for me last year since Tom was in Korea.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the stores in search of delicious 50% off chocolates...

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