Thursday, February 23, 2012

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Blogger Word Verification

I rubbed my eyes. Crap. Was my Lasik breaking? Why couldn’t I see the letters properly?

“Tommy?” I called out to my son who has perfect vision. “Can you read that?”

He squinted. “Um…CHN…uh…X? It’s hard to see.”

“Aha! My Lasik isn’t breaking!” I shouted triumphantly.

Tommy looked at me as though I just admitted to making out with Spongebob Squarepants. (Which I would never. Too spongy. And I don’t like his pants.)

I was talking about the new word verification that Blogger has. Before it was annoying, but at least you could see the letters.

Now it’s TWO words that you have to write. TWO. And one always seems to be blurry. It makes you think that you’ve had one strawberry daiquiri too many. It’s like Gary Busey or something. You’re not quite sure what’s going on with it.

There are many times when I’ve typed the wrong thing and Blogger was like, “Sorry. Wrong word,” and I’m like, “F-you, Blogger! I only have ten minutes of free time and trying to figure out what word you have down is WASTING IT ALL!” And to top it off, it DELETES my comment so I have to write it all over again.

Before, if I couldn’t read the word, I could request a new one. But now if I try to get a new word, it won’t give me one. It tells me, “Are you sure you want to leave the page?” and I’m like, “No, I’d LOVE to leave this comment but I CAN’T!”

So people.

I’m begging you.

Turn off word verification.

It’s making me cry.

And curse.

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