Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 365 - Week 7

We are seven weeks into 2012.  Time flies when you are having fun.  I had a good time taking pictures this week.  Hope you will hop over and check out everyone else's offerings at Sara's blog....and if you like what you is never to late to join in.....just pick up your camera and shoot.  Enjoy my week in photos.

Sunday, February 12th
I almost forgot a shot today and went out to my car to get something and there this amazing sky was.

Monday, February 13th

 I took my camera to work today to show off my new 50mm lens.  I was sitting at my desk during my planning period and thought I would play with it a bit.  The cascarones(top) were done by my Spanish I classes and the Aflac ducks I just thought were too cute.

Tuesday, February 14th
Valentines Day

Frank and I went out to eat on Tuesday night.  Sunny's is not romantic or high priced.  I didn't want Frank to have to cook and we were not in the mood for anything in particular.  You see we don't celebrate Valentine's Day.  Actually Valentine's Day urks me a bit.  I don't need a special day to tell Frank I love him, buy him a stuffed animal, chocolates, or flowers.  I love this man every in our case....everyday is Valentine's day....we just don't call it that.  I love that man of mine.

Wednesday, February 15th

Daviston Church sign on my way down....or up Hwy 22 and at school this week has been crazy with kids pulling some crazy things....I put my change in my little Problem Student piggy and this week it is full to the brim.

Thursday, February 16th
I am working an Emmaus Walk(Spiritual retreat) this coming weekend.  People from all over donate agape which is little gifts of love for the pilgrims.  Before Mary passed away we completed some and I found it the other day. They are glass magnets and so very pretty.  I am going to take it with me this week and share it with the pilgrims.  I know MM would love it.

Frank made this for my classroom.  I really should have shot it with a sold dark background....but you know what they say....."hind sight is twenty-twenty."

Friday, February 17th

Trina, Laura, and Beth.  We are smiling because the kids will only be with us half a day today.  Whoooo hoooo!  We have PD (Professional Development) this afternoon after the kids leave.  We have three modules to watch about English Language Learners.

Satrurday, February 18th

I had too many choices of things I wanted to do today.  Renee and her daughter wanted me to go prom dress shopping at Touch of Class in Wetumpka and there was an auction at Joel Dollars in Standing Rock.  Can you guess which one I did.  She said, "yes to the dress."  Was she not stunning in this gorgeous creation?  I thought she looked like a princess.  I loved the dresss.

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