Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Barbie by Tanya Lee Stone - ESSENTIAL

Stone, Tanya Lee The Good, The Bad, and The Barbie: A Doll's History and Her Impact on Us, 123 pgs. Viking, 2010. $19.99. Language G(0swears), Sexual Content G; Violence G; Ever thought really about how Barbie was a part of your childhood, or how she's changed you? Well Tanya has, Starting with the creator of Barbie all the way to Barbie today. 

A riveting story telling a popular doll's history as well as addressing the Barbie debate. With great quotes and points this book will have you deciding on your side in this on going argument. Eye opening to how your childhood might have differed had Barbie been nonexistent. HS, MS - ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: KU

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