Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Super Bowl Thoughts

So, did you watch the Super Bowl?

Yeah. Me, either.

No, I’m serious. We’re not a football family. Unless the Cleveland Browns are playing well. Which is rare so yeah, we’re not a football family.

I decide what team I want to win based on their uniforms. For example, I preferred the Patriots uniforms to the Giants. Unfortunately for the Patriots, they didn’t win. (Sorry. Spoiler alert.)

Another reason Tom doesn’t watch football is probably because of my commentary. While most men cheer and say things like, “Dammit, catch the ball!” or, “Run faster, you ass!” I’m like, “Ouch, did you see how hard he fell down? I bet his Mom is cringing right now.”

I guess talking about another dude’s mother is not cool.

We might not have watched the game but I catch the highlights on The Today Show. And every time a player crashed to the ground, I sucked in my breath and went, “I bet his poor mother is beside herself. Or his wife. If that were you out there I’d be so panicked, I’d pass out. Or cry. Or blog or tweet about it. One of those.”

When that Patriots player dropped the ball I went, “Poor thing. He could probably use a hug.”

Tom gave me a Look when we were watching the highlights so I can only imagine what he’d do if we were watching it live.

(Seriously. The poor guy probably DID need a hug. Mistakes happen. I’d have dropped the ball. Granted, I don’t get paid millions to catch it, but still…)

Even though we didn’t watch the Super Bowl, we still pigged out because I figured, hey, big event, calories can’t possibly count.

So I made a buffalo chicken dip.

We bought Krispy Kremes.

We had pizza.

I imagine my calorie intake was that of a grown man.

Big football days work up an appetite. I guess.

I hope the Ravens make it to the Super Bowl next year.

I like their purple uniforms.

(And that Raven’s player who missed the field goal during playoffs (is that what it’s called???) probably also needs a hug.)

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