Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up with is an Hey, It's Okay post.


To use coupons but not be an extreme couponer. I don’t think I have the patience.

To not get the neon things that are coming back into fashion. At Target they had neon purses out and I felt like I needed sunglasses on to look at them directly.

To wonder how Adam Richman, the guy from Man Vs Food, hasn’t dropped dead from a heart attack yet.

To be excited that there is a place nearby that has a restaurant dedicated to fair foods only. I’m talking deep fried twinkies, corn dogs, funnel cakes...Adam Richman should go there.

To have an awesome giveaway from an Etsy shop here.

To think the new season of Celebrity Apprentice should be entertaining.

To have gone to see The Vow with a friend. It was a good movie. Some people weren’t a fan of the ending but I didn’t mind it.

To be weirded out when people wear sunglasses indoors. I get it if they’ve just had Lasik (ahem, I did it..) but other than that I’m thinking, “Why?” (Talking to you Cee lo Green.)

To find Family Guy hilarious. Tom and I watch it on Adult Swim in bed. We crack up.

To have been annoyed to read that flags were at half staff for Whitney Houston’s death. It’s a shame she died but she did not deserve that.

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