Saturday, February 11, 2012

Project 365 - Week 6

Well it is Saturday night and week 6 is under my belt.  My 50mm lens arrived today and I am excited about trying it out next week.  I tried some different shots this week and used some different ISO's.  Several have already posted over at Sara's blog so head on over there and check out everyone's offerings.  Here is my weeks presentation and I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, February 5th

I had class at Calloway today.  The first three pictures are from the Sibbley Center.  The frog shot is practicing blurring the background in a portrait.  I didn't want to take a picture of a person at the moment...I was loving on the little frog.  The stained glass window and cross were from the chapel.
  After class I headed back to Rock Mills and went to a baby shower for one of the young ladies from our church.  She got a lot of nice things and I got a new dip recipe.  I box of confetti cake mix (dry) to 1 large cool whip.  Setve with vanilla wafers, graham crackers, or animal crackers.  It was delish.

Monday, February 6th

Full moon on a hazy night with some clouds rolling by.  It won't be as good as Dr. M on Bug's blog I can assure you.

Tuesday, February 7th

Today, I visited Mrs. Jean's yard and took some shots of her lovely flowers.  Tonight there was a harvest moon and it was gorgeous but all the power lines kept getting in my way.  Oh well!

Wednesday, January 8th
Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye.  There were at least four and twenty blackbirds in the tree out in my yard.  When I took the camera out the birds began to fly so there were just a couple left to make a blackbird pie.

Thursday, February 9th
I found a hidden chimney today on my way home from work.  It was hidden back in an area several hundred yards from the main road on some posted land where they had been doing some burning so it was hazy.
Friday, February 10th
I followed this almost all the way home.  Stuff was dropping off and the smell of diesel fuel was nauseating.  I snapped it out the window of my car.  Do you think my window needs cleaning?

Saturday, February 11th
One of the horses in the pasture next to my house.  The glow on his belly and around his neck are actually hairs that were being hit by the sun that was setting.  This has been a painful process that I actually started on Saturday night but did not finish up until this morning.  The internet is not being my friend.  Uploading was a pain....and to be honest I am glad I am finally finished.  Have a great week and happy shooting!

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