Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up!


To think the Patriots fans who shouted at Patriots players are incredibly rude. It’s just a game, people. Chill.

To be a little disgusted by Mimi Alford, who was a former JFK intern. She claims she had an affair with the president. That’s nothing to be proud of, sweets. Way to go sleeping with a married man with 2 kids.

To wish Tommy would stop acting like a moody teenager. He’s only 9. But holy crap!

To be glad I fixed my blog button. Remember last week how I blogged how it was a black box? It's all better now.

To think it’s silly that people want Madonna to retire because she stumbled on the stage. Um, twenty-somethings have stumbled on stage (*coughs* Christina Aguilera). It seems to be all the rage for young Hollywood to not walk straight but you don’t see THEM retiring. (I wish. Would anyone really miss Lindsay Lohan?)

To be amused that Target is having a Breaking Dawn party for when the DVD is released Friday.

To have liked the new show Smash that aired last night. I love musicals. I wish I could sing.

To really want to see The Vow. Tom wouldn’t sit through that without mocking it (“it would be nice if this man would grow some balls and stop pissing and moaning,” he’d probably say) and plus, no babysitter.

To hate when I get spam e-mails that say “You won a 500 gift card to Target!” It is SO mean to tease like that!

To have not been impressed with the David Beckham commercial where he’s in his underwear for H&M. No, no, and no. John Krasinski? Yes. Jason Segel? Yes. Dude who played Thomas Culpepper in The Tudors? Yes.

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