Saturday, June 4, 2011

Project 365 - May 29th - June 4th

It is that time of week again and once again Sara has invited us to link up with our weekly picture offerings.  I have been off this week and pretty busy as you can tell.  If you want to participate and try your hand at this head on over to Sara's and check her site out.  It is a lot of fun.

Sunday, May 29th

 Sunday we went over to Renee's from Wal-mart.  I caught the barn at the corner of CR 87 and CR 16.  The martin house and little fishing boy were at the first house on the right on CR 16.  It belongs to Renee's MIL.  There was a ton of other stuff I wanted to get but just did not have time.  The sun was dropping quickly.

Monday, May 30th - Memorial Day

I wish I could tell you that I took some neat Memorial Day pictures but I was so excited about my blooming purple hydrangea I focused on that.  I love the way the sun is streaking across the second shot.  That's why you got both of them. 

Tuesday, May 31st

We worked at Ms. Sherry's and took pictures of some of the glassware I am putting on ebay, etsy, Craigs list, whatever.  Both of these pieces are coin glass.  The cream and sugar are amber and the plate is called amethyst.  I think they are lovely pieces and cannot wait to get them all listed.  I haven't even made a dent.

Wednesday, June 1st

Today we visited with Mr. Larry and Ms. Betty Jean.  She has an awesome garden.  I have shared pictures of her flowers before....this is what is blooming now.  The cat is her pet...he was napping....not blooming.

Thursday, June 2nd 

I found this little willow fly on Frank's windshield this morning.  Frank had never seen one and I was delighted to see the little fellow.  Whenever the first willow flies of summer appear, area anglers know this
is a sign of good fishing to come.  I have seen water boil with fish when these things started arriving.  It is amazing and if you look at them they do kind of look like the lures fisherman use when they fly fish.

Friday, June 3rd
Friday, Frank and I went to Leeds to the BASS Pro Shop to check on a holster for his new 40 Cal. gun.  Since we were that close we decided to go to Cokesbury and eat lunch at the Fish Market.  The Fish Market is one of the best places to eat.  It is owned by Greeks and the food is to die for.  Their Greek potatoes...and seasoning on their food....yuummmmmmmy!  It will make you want to slap your momma.

Saturday, June 4th - Jill's Birthday
Frank and Brady(Jill's son) in the kitchen.

Deborah (Jill's mom) was the cook of the hour.  She fed 30+ people tonight for Jill's 30th birthday.  I had a great picture of the darling cake Debo did for the party and deleted it accidentally.  I cannot believe I did that.  Griefus!  I am just sick and really angry at myself for not paying attention to what I was doing.

Gwen (Jill's FIL), plays with a Blue Grass Band called Highway 280.  They are so good.  He played her favorite song, "Kawliga" tonight.  I know you are dying to know what I did...singer that I am....well..I am having trouble with my mouth so I did the other thing I do best....I wrote her a poem/ode/saga and read it aloud.  She loved it.  I am posting it Sunday.  I hope you come back and read it and  I hope you enjoy it.
My two girls.  Jill and Kat doing what they have always done best...smiling for the camera.  Happy Birthday Jilly!  All in all it was an interesting first week of summer vacation.  I hope next week is better.  I am also not going to survive 100 degree weather I can assure you.  We need a break....we need mucho rain!  Send it on!

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