Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To prefer the extreme heat in Oklahoma to the chilliness in Wyoming.

To love the Godiva milkshake. It’s six bucks but it’s worth it.

To hate when people get gas and leave their vehicle by the gas pumps to run inside the convenience store. PARK please, so people behind you don’t have to wait forever. Unless you have to pay inside I guess….

To not be surprised that Hugh Hefner isn’t getting married again. Apparently his fiancé didn’t like that there were always women around. Half naked ones.

To love Steak N Shake. I had never eaten there before I came to Oklahoma and I’m now obsessed with their Diet Cherry Coke (note: happy hour is 2-4…half price drinks and shakes..)

To have been depressed over the ending of Jodi Picount’s Handle with Care novel.

To be wary of the guy on that Haunted Collector show who takes items that he claims are causing hauntings in people’s homes. I’d be like, “Fu*k no you aren’t taking my stuff.” Unless, you know, my children’s heads started to spin like Linda Blair’s.

To hope that the rest of my stuff gets here soon. I sort of need my vacuum.

To have not made the best impression on my new neighbor. I sort of screamed when his dog charged over to me. But in my defense, I didn’t expect to see a dog out at 10 at night. The guy is probably like, “The eff is wrong with her?”

To really need to start exercising since I’ll be going to the beach in 2 weeks. It’s just, I love food…and not healthy food like kale and cereal that looks like bark. Real food.

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