Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Have Returned. Again.

I'm back.

I have Internet service again.

It came at a perfect time. I felt like I was going to have to walk around with my pink laptop begging for WiFi. The TLF (temporary living facility or basically a hotel room for you non-military folks) had no WiFi either place.

Now we're in a house in Oklahoma unpacking. I hate unpacking. And figuring out how I want my house designed. Now I know why people hire interior designers. Only I can't afford an interior designer so I'm just winging it and hoping my home doesn't look like a Hoarder home.

It's my birthday today. I share it with Father's Day so this means I can't say something like, "But it's my birthday. I insist." Because then Tom can be like, "It's Father's Day. I also insist."

Tom leaves tomorrow for Korea. At least he'll be back for good in August. Still, I'm a little wary being in a new place. I'm awful with directions so I hope I don't end up in the middle of Oklahoma. I do have a GPS but there have been times where its led me to an apartment complex and not the destination I wanted.


I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I've missed the Blog World. I've had all sorts of things I wanted to write. Eventually I'll post pictures of the new house. Granted, we only have half of stuff here. The other half sits in a warehouse in Wyoming.

I'll write about that sometime next week.

For now I better head off. We're checking out the nearby mall and eating at The Cheesecake Factory.

Have I mentioned their White Chili is amazing? If you ever go, get their White Chili.

And cheesecake, of course.

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