Monday, June 28, 2010

Our Vacation Begins....

So here’s the thing.

We leave for our trip on Tuesday.

But I’m not going with Tom and the kids in the beginning.

I’m going to visit my best friend in Ohio. She lived across the street from me when we were stationed in England.

Granted, I’ll only get to see her for two days but I’ll take it. See, Tom’s Mom used to live in Ohio and Jennifer, that’s who I’m going to visit, only lived a few hours away. So we made plans to see each other. Then Tom’s Mom decided to go to North Carolina and we had already made plans so I wasn’t about to give them up.

So in the end, I guess it’s a better outcome for me.

Two days without kids?


A flight by myself without having to worry about giving a kid a snack or telling another kid to keep it down? Bliss.

I’m all ready to go but as I said before, I suck at packing. I packed for the kids and am trying to explain to Tom what outfits go together so he doesn’t put Natalie in pink pants and a yellow shirt like he’s done before.

“And this,” I said lifting up an adorable pair of Gymboree shorts, “go with this shirt,” I continued waving a Gymboree shirt in the air.

Tom concentrated on picking his toe cheese.

“Did you hear me? You are going to be in charge of dressing Natalie for two days, you know.” I bit my lip to keep from adding, “It’s an important undertaking.”

“I’ll just let her run around in her diaper,” Tom said, chuckling. I really don’t think he was joking.

“Um,” I said. “No. And whatever you do, don’t put her in her 4th of July outfit. I will be putting her in that on the 4th of July.”

Tom blinked at me as though I were speaking in foreign tongues.

“This is her 4th of July outfit,” I said, waving around the red, white and blue ensemble. “Do not put it on her.”

Tom scratched his cheek. “And if I do, what then? Will the world end?”


“Just don’t do it,” I said through gritted teeth. “And I like to coordinate her barrette with her outfit, as well as her hair ties,” I said.

“If I remember to even do her hair,” Tom answered flippantly.

Oh for the love of chocolate.

“Just....keep her alive. That’s all I ask. Just keep her alive.” I gave up. Tom obviously didn’t get it.

Did I mention that we have to wake up at FOUR in the morning on Tuesday? FOUR IN THE MORNING? Have I mentioned that I am not a morning person?


As I mentioned before I’ll be flying to see Jennifer without kids.

This means I can…SLEEP on the plane. Like Tom does! I’m not kidding. We’ll be on the flight and he’ll just fall asleep and leave me to tend to the kids. One time I threw a Cheerio at his rude sleeping face, I was so frustrated.

So that’s why I don’t feel guilty making him fly with the kids on his own.

Have fun, Tom.

I know I will.

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