Hey, It's Okay....
To love getting the Zeppoli dessert that’s served at Olive Garden. Usually I’m stuffed by the end but I don’t care. I am getting the Zeppoli. (For those who don’t know, they’re like beignets. And for those who don’t know what those are, that’s what Google is for :)
To think it’s disgusting when people spit while they are walking. Stop it.
To have been confused to see Snooki on Jay Leno. Aren’t there worthier people? (Like that dude who played Culpepper on The Tudors?? )
To love the movie Amadeus. Especially Amadeus’s laugh.
To not let your kids mess with your iPod Touch. I’m sorry, but it’s mine.
To think bees are evil. Yes, I know they do a lot of good things for us but they seriously have it out for me. Plus, don’t you remember what the bees did to poor Thomas J?
To think it’s weird when adults talk about going to a Justin Bieber concert minus any kids with them. Um....because his music is THAT good? (Doesn’t he just stand there singing “baby, baby, baby,” over and over again?)
To be excited over shopping Gymboree’s RBS sale today (for those who don’t know, Gymboree puts out a bunch of clothing from their older lines that didn't sell and marks them down...I believe the price points are $7.99 and below and yes, you may use a coupon on top of it. There’s a current coupon in the latest Family Fun and Parenting magazines.)
To look forward to the prospect of cake on your birthday (I turn 28 on Saturday. And I love cake.)
To be upset that the last episode of The Tudors airs on Sunday. I want more, dangit. I’m not ready for it to be over.
To be a little afraid of this consultant on Say Yes To The Dress. Are those eyebrows…drawn on?
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