Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Blog is Loved! WOOO HOOO!

Oh how exciting.  I got an award today and it made my day.  I came in from packing up the storage room all grimy and nasty and thought I would read everyone's post before I started supper and Surprise!  Surprise!  My sweet buddy, Mary, Over at Life in a Small Town gave me an award.  I could return it right back at her because I love her blog too.  She lives in one of my favorite places...Tennessee. 

The rules are pretty simple on this one: Just list 10 things you love, then pass the award to 10 blogging friends whose blogs you love to read. You never know when one of these awards will brighten someones day!  It sure did mine!

Okay, Here are the things I ♥:
1) God (that should be obvious, right?)
2) My husband(especially date night)
3) My children
4) My Mom
5) Singing with Amanda (actually...anytime spent with her I love...traveling, singing, writing, just hanging)
6) My adopted siblings (Amanda, Terri, Linda and Miss Priss...that would be Melissa)
7) Being together with family.  I live and breathe for this.  I love my family. 
8) Spending time with friends.  I also live and breathe for this.  I love being with my friends.
9) Watching old movies on a rainy day
10) Reading
Now you have to pass this on to 10 other people. This is the hard part.  The blogs I read on a regular basis (like daily....I love).   But...since I can only pick 10 I will try and find JUST 10.  There are so many good blogs out there to read and I am finding new ones everyday!
1. 2nd Cup of Coffee
2. Random Thoughts from Trina
3. This is the Year
4. Tales from Bloggeritaville
5. Sweet Up North Mornings
6. Sweet Tea
7. Mid-Atlantic Martha
8. Mary the 1st I am, I am
9. Marty's Musings
10. Jeannie's Happy World
Thank you all for helping me through dark days with your tablescapes, beach scenes, travel stories, life in general stories and encouragements when I have felt I was sinking.  You all Rock!  Happy Tuesday!

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