I’m not going to lie, I’m scared.
I’ve seen some bloggers not understand why parents dread having their kids home over the summer. Well, maybe those bloggers have good kids. I don’t know.
I’m kidding. My son is a good kid. He’s just....hyper. And sensitive.
Oh, and he totally flips out if someone knocks over his Legos.
I’ve done this before. I was putting away laundry, backed up and BAM, his police tower came tumbling down.
“HOW COULD YOU?” Tommy bellowed at me. (See? Sensitive.)
His sister likes to mess with his Legos just to upset him. So this means throughout the summer I constantly have to keep her away.
Sometimes they fight just because.
Like once I found them whining in the living room and when I asked what was wrong they both just blinked at me.
So yes. I dread having him home over the summer. Don’t get me wrong, I love the kid to bits. He’s just so loud. And picky. Sometimes for lunch Natalie and I just have cereal. If I stick cereal in front of him he’ll turn his nose up and be all, “This isn’t lunch.” See, he has Aspergers so he has set rules in his mind. You can tell him until you are blue in the face that cereal is an appropriate lunch but he’ll just stare at you like you have a feather popping from your ear.
With summer also comes neighborhood kids coming to the door. Some kids haven’t been taught manners and they ring the bell at eight in the morning. They also like to destroy toys and question authority. I once told a kid to put the Raid away and he was all, “Why?” Um, so I don’t get SUED if you spray someone’s eye out, you brat.
It’s gonna be a lonnnnggg summer.
But after tomorrow I will officially have a third grader.
An official HYPER third grader.
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