Huh? I had been reaching for some spices and my arm had tapped against the empty soda container.
Tommy had set this up on the counter:
I have absolutely no idea what he was trying to create.
He’s been really into science lately. In fact, when I wandered into the bathroom I found this:
“Um Tommy? What in the world?”
And he’ll just say, “It’s my experiment.”
Yes but. WHAT does it DO?
He has this on his door:
I figure you don’t speak Tommy so I’ll translate (believe it or not, he’s gotten much better with his writing. Before I had no idea what he was trying to say..)
So yeah, his door says, “Tommy the science boy PS. Don’t come in. Only on Friday or Thursday.” And he’s serious about this too. I walked in on a Tuesday and he’s all, “It’s not Thursday! Or Friday!” and I said, “I gave birth to you so those rules don’t apply to me,” and he reluctantly let me enter.
Anyhow, I tend to find science experiments all over the house. So when I found another one I joked, “Just make sure you don’t create something that’ll make the world black out for two minutes like on FlashForward,”
Um okay. Tough room.
I tried again.
“Make sure you don’t create a way for dinosaurs to come back or anything. Haha.”
*More crickets*
“Just don’t blow anything up, Tommy. Got it?”
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