Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mr. Smiley

I know you probably thought from the title that I was going to be posting about someone who smiles a lot, or has the whitest you have learned with me...that is not always the case.  My daughter Kat and I both love to take unusual pictures and we are both known for seeing humor, and of course songs, in all walks of our lives.  When I first looked at this mind immediately went into music mode and I heard, "Smile, though your pot is broken."  I know I am a sick puppy.  I can't help it.  I am probably one of the few people on this earth who actually bursts into song when something hits.  I actually love to sing in the rain and would love to live in Musical world.  If a song does not fit....I tweek it a bit so that it fits that moment.  When Kat posted this picture on facebook I laughed out loud....right after I sang.  This picture was a Kodak moment for sure and since today is our last day with students I think secretly....maybe on the inside....this is me...right now.  I saw the face immediately....can you?  I have nicknamed the plant Oscar and don't ask me why.  Frank says it looks like a has to be the greenery.....Thanks Kat for sharing your photographic genius(you definitely got that from your mom) with me.  Happy Thursday to all!

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