Friday, May 7, 2010

Good/Bad Mom Moments

In honor of Mother’s Day on Sunday, I decided to make a list of the good and bad Mom moments that I’ve experienced. Happy Mother's Day!

Good Mom Moment: Reading to the kids every night even though Dr. Seuss makes my head hurt.

Bad Mom Moment: Reading books about poop. Our favorite is Everyone Poops.

Good Mom Moment: Not being in denial and getting Tommy help as soon as I realized he was behind in his development.

Bad Mom Moment: Allowing the kids to occasionally watch Family Guy.

Good Mom Moment: Buying vegetables and serving them as a snack to the kids.

Bad Mom Moment: Buying chocolate and serving them as a snack to the kids.

Good Mom Moment: Running to Natalie’s room when I hear her cry in the dead of night.

Bad Mom Moment: Not allowing her to sleep in bed with me.

Good Mom Moment: Using the b-word in front of the kids.

Bad Mom Moment: Telling the kids that I didn’t REALLY say a bad word because bitch means female dog. Now my son will occasionally go, “Look, it’s a dog. Do you think it’s a bitch?” And Natalie sometimes points at a dog and goes, “A bitch?” Ugh. Parenting FAIL!

Good Mom Moment: Insisting that Santa exists even when Tommy is starting to not believe.

Bad Mom Moment: Insisting that Santa exists even when Tommy is starting to not believe and saying things like, “You better be good. Santa watches all year and if you’re mean to me, no presents.”

Good Mom Moment: Not allowing the kids to socialize with the children of those “perfect” mothers anymore because let’s face it, the kids are usually pretty scary too.

Bad Mom Moment: Allowing Tommy to play with one of those kids from “perfect” mothers ONCE and being slightly traumatized when the mother said coldly, “Oh, Barnaby*** doesn’t eat non-organic items and he most definitely is never given juice.” (Followed by a condescending sniff.) Slipped Barnaby non-organic item anyway and watched with glee as he gobbled it down.

***not real name, his name was actually pretty normal but just in case crazy Mom ever stumbles on my blog and tries to lecture us about eating organically again.

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