Today is Random Dozen day and the questions were hard for me this week. A few of them required deep concentration on events that took place a long time ago....but I managed. If you would love to see some more answers then check out 2nd Cup of Coffee and Life in a Small Town they always have great answers.

3. In your region, do you celebrate graduation open houses? Addendum: (If so,) how many open houses/bridal showers/weddings are on your upcoming events calendar? No, on the graduation open houses. Parents sometimes have parties for their seniors...but most of the kids go and hang out with friends. But now…it is summer and I have four weddings already to attend in June – August. I have six showers coming up. It is going to be a busy summer.
4. Tell me one truth you believe about motherhood. Mothers wear a lot of hats….and not all of them fit…but we wear them anyways.5. What was the last thing you broke? I wish I had something very profound to say here…but I broke a glass at supper this evening when it slipped out of my hand. I also cut my hand picking up the shards from the floor.
6. On average, how many pieces of junk mail do you receive daily? I would venture to say four to five pieces a day. I used to mark them return to sender and hope they would leave me alone…but it doubled. Now I trash them…after shredding of course.
7. Do you like to shop by catalog? I do like to shop by catalog sometime. I also like to shop Etsy and Ebay.
8. Is lawn maintenance at your house a "his job," a "her job" or "his/her job" or "that's why we have teenagers" job? Up until recently it was hire someone to do it's job, because we did not have a working mower. But now we have a riding lawnmower, Frank is not working a second job, so he has become househusband and does the lawn. I piddle with plants. That is my extent of "yard work."
9. Which room would you like to redecorate in your home? All of them, except for the one my mom and dad used....Susan and I redecorated it after my dad died....but WAIT! I am moving...into a I can do what I want to...within reason. I am so excited!
10. Do you read a newspaper regularly, or do you read most of your news on line? LOL…this is a joke around here. Our little paper is 4 pages on a good day and only comes out Tuesday – Saturday. If anything happens on Sunday or Monday…oh well. I read it everyday and it takes all of 5 minutes to scan it. The last page is usually the sports, one page is for religion, one page is ads….it does not take me long at all. On Wednesday’s all the sale papers are included…so it takes me 6 minutes to see what the Pig or Winn-Dixie have for sale.
11. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? I most certainly do. I believe that there is a time for everything to occur and it happens for a reason. I also believe that I am not in control of this. God is the captain of my vessel.
12. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? I would rather do the right thing right.
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