Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Strange Outfit

“I want to do it! I want to do it!”

I hear this from Natalie on a daily basis. (And her father, but that's a whole 'nother story...)

She wants to dress herself.

She wants to brush her own hair.

She wants to pour her own cereal.

Oh, but will she pee in the potty? No. No, she won’t. Will she tell me when she’s peed or taken a crap in her diaper? Yes. Yes, she will.

The other day we were getting ready to go out. I had Natalie’s outfit and she immediately took it from me and threw it.

“I not wear this,” she said. She stuck her hands on her hips.

Look, I’m glad she wants to be independent. But sometimes I just want to go. I don’t want to argue.

“Please just get dressed,” I told Natalie firmly.

She grabbed her clothes and ran off into another room. I assumed she was pulling on her clothes.

But then she came out like this:

“Um. Are you a Chippendale Dancer today?” I asked.

She laughed. “I pretty!”

“Well. Maybe in Las Vegas. But darling. You can’t go out in that.”

“Yes, I can!”

Oh geez. After going back and forth for ten minutes, Natalie finally relented and changed into something decent.

She did keep the hat though.

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