Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.

Hey, It's Okay....

To be a total klutz. (I was a klutz before being a klutz was cool. I still say to this day that I inspired Hollywood to have actors run into glass doors. I totally did this when I was younger. Was not my best hour.)

To be a little bitter that Charlie Sheen is getting 1.9 million dollars an EPISODE for his work on Two and half men. So the lesson is, be a total asswad and get the big bucks?

To wonder why some people don’t wear seatbelts.

To be a little bummed that Ghost Whisperer got cancelled. Hey CBS, I was WATCHING that. (Though rumor has it that ABC might take the show. Come on ABC!)

To enjoy watching Full House even though it’s cheesy. Sometimes you need a little "You Got It Dude," in your life.

To wonder how people can cut out soda from their diets. My first thought when I hear someone has done this is to shout, “WHY? For the love of chocolate WHY?” Kudos to those people though. I could never do it.

To wonder how people can drink blended up wheatgrass. It tastes like…well, GRASS. I don’t care if it’s healthy. No, no, and no.

To hope that Sex and the City 2 will be entertaining. I don’t get most of the fashion in it though. I couldn’t wear half the things that Carrie puts on without looking like a total fool.

To be insulted that Gymboree didn’t bother to send you a 40% off coupon—I mean hello, I shop there all the time, I should be given a coupon for my loyalty. Maybe I’ll start looking elsewhere (hello Gap!)

To have covered your eyes for a lot of the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. I mean, was that a roller coaster ride or what?

To have been totally confused over the finale of Lost to the point where you had to go online and have a stranger explain it to you. (Thank you to the author of this site.)

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