Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.

Hey, It's Okay....

To hate the phrase “staycation.” If you aren’t going anywhere, just say, “I’m not going anywhere.”

To be flattered that I somehow wound up mentioned on the Parents’ Picks Nominees list for my blog. If you feel I deserve it, can you click the nominate button here?

To think Billy Ray Cyrus needs to wake up and parent his daughter. He commented that the lap dance a then sixteen-year-old Miley gave to the forty-something director of her movie was just, “kids being kids.” Um. I never gave a man a lap dance at sixteen, Billy Ray.

To love diet Cherry Cokes from Sonic (and want one right now.)

To hope the last episode ever of Lost will be a good one and not one that leaves the viewer going ???????

To wish Jillian Micheals could come over for a week to kick your butt into gear. Wait. Maybe not. She’s pretty scary.

To appreciate the fact that Meeko helped edit my query letter. If you’re into chick lit and wouldn’t mind reading it over to see if it’s a book that you’d read, let me know and I’ll send it to you. (I may not be able to get to everyone who asks so if you offer and I don’t get to you, thank you! Oh and in case you don’t know, a query letter is basically what is on the back of the book. It’s just a really brief synopsis on what the book is about.)

To have been a little turned on by Bret Michaels in the last Celebrity Apprentice. It’s probably just sympathy over the whole him being in the hospital thing. Because surely I wouldn’t find someone who hangs around diseased looking women with names like Nail and Sheet attractive. Right?

To wonder why people are STILL sending those e-mail chain letters.

To not care that Eclipse tickets are already on sale. Edward looks constipated in the movie, people.

To think the girls who did that risqué dance to Beyonce’s Single Ladies (you can see the video here) was totally inappropriate, especially considering that these are 8 and 9 year olds. (Billy Ray Cyrus would probably be all for this video considering he praised Miley for dancing on a stripper pole.)

To have been a little shocked over the finale of Desperate Housewives.

To be thankful for Stacey for patiently answering various HTML questions that I’ve thrown at her.

To wonder what in the world Natalie was doing here:

A Redneck Recliner, maybe? (Yes, she’s in underwear. No, she’s not potty trained. Soon after the picture was taken, she proceeded to piss all over my carpet.)

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