Saturday, January 29, 2011

Project 365 - Week 5

Wow it is hard to believe that another week has passed and January has come to an end.  I have made it through a whole month on Project 365.  Thanks Sara for introducing me to this wonderful activity.  I am actually keeping a notebook of pictures I want to take throughout the year so I can hunt for them.  I don't go anywhere without a camera these days and I am always looking for things to express the day.  I am glad you stopped by and hope you enjoy my offerings for the week.
Sunday was not as busy as most.  I did not feel spiffy so I took a Sunday nap....not really true...I took a Sunday sleep.  I slept for over 4 hours and woke feeling groggy...but hit the ground running to head back to church for our Revelation study and choir practice.  I love choir practice.  It is so much fun after we practice to just sing.  Beth, our pianist, will ask us if there are any songs we just want to sing and everyone throws out something....and we just sing for the fun of it.  I wanted you to see the inside of our church this week so I kicked off the week with pictures of the front of the church.  I think it is a beautiful, spiritual, and peaceful place.  I love altars.  When I was at the Arbor in Alex City I used to be in charge of creating altars....and now I just enjoy them.

Monday night we began a new bible study at Betty Vardaman's house.  We are doing Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted by Phyllis Shirer.  It is going to be a great bible study.  We all gathered and had some coffee and refreshments before we began the video and discussion.  The girls were all so funny when I pulled out my trusty little Nikon Coolpix.  I am one who hates to be on the lens side of camera so I understand their antics very well.  I love these ladies and they are the kind of friends that if I die...they all know they are to come into my house, find my Beth Moore Breaking Free book, and burn it.  Now that is a friend...risk a Breaking and Entering charge to make sure no one ever sees what I wrote when I was breaking free from past bondage.

Tuesday was a dreary day.  Since the beginning of school they have been working on our boy's gym and I have heard power tools and men yelling outside my window for months now.  We were supposed to get a NEW gym...but the money was not we are getting a remodeled one.  The funny that our whole school is like that....the original building is 60 years old....and there are just these odd little additions scattered randomly all over it.  The new gym will be no exception.  I just wish they would hurry up and get through...but we have had such lousy weather that I am not looking for that to happen anytime soon.  I did however enjoy the day of no sound....and snapped some pictures to show what a mess it looks like.

Today was my 8th wedding anniversary.  Eight years ago...Frank and I walked to the front of the Arbor at the end of the regular service and were married.  It was the first and only wedding to take place there.  I thought today should be a picture of something that is a reminder of that beautiful day.  One of my favorite pictures in wedding the hands on the bible here is ours....eight years later.
Thursday we bowl.  It is poor etiquette to take pictures of people bowling because the flash throws them I did the second best thing....I thought I would show you my pretty purple ball and bag...and cute new pink heart shoe covers.  I am coveting a rolling bowling ball bag at the moment....and a new ball.  I would love a Hammer.  BUT....I also want a new Nikon or Canon camera....decisions decisions...I am thinking the camera will win out.  April is not that far of these would be nice....hint hint!  I also want...just kidding.

Frank had class in Birmingham this weekend so I was flying solo....sort of.  I invited my friend Mary to come and spend the night with me so we could have some girl time that we so desperately have been missing since I have moved.  My Spanish II classes worked on a Costa Rica project today on the computers in my room.  I have one group of just girls and I was telling them about Project 365 and they just had to have their picture taken for my Friday here they are.  The bell sounded finally at 3:14 and we finished up at school, went by her house and grabbed her stuff, and headed to Rock Mills.  We stopped and ate supper at Gedneys before we got to the house.  This was the first time Mary had eaten in the Roanoke there were many choices for her....Gedneys, TJ Rockers, Sonny's, or Jon Boys.  We ate and headed to the house and watched....Wizards of Waverly Place...can  you believe that?  A perfect night for a chick flick and we watched Selena Gomez.  Actually...I watch it often....along with the Food channel.  We checked our emails, talked, sat in the recliners side by side and said nothing at times...I love that about my friend....I don't have to entertain her....nor she me....and we don't have ackward silence when we don't talk.  We finally called it a night about 11. 

Mary and I got up this morning and went exploring and scouting photo ops.  Mary is a photographer buff too.  We ate breakfast at the Farm House Restaurant in Roanoke, shopped a bit, went to our friend Tammy's house on a chance that she might be at such luck....she is the principal at Randolph County High School...and I am sure there was some athletic event going on.  I showed Mary all my favorite things about Rock Mills and one of them was St Barnabas Church...which is down the road from my house on Hwy 22.  I love red doors.  I have pictures of them from everywhere I have ever been....they fascinate me.  So St. Barnabas, with its bright red door had to be photographed today.  In the yard is a church bell that is interesting I just covered all the bases while we were there.

and of course, as I have done every week since I began this journey I am closing my week out with a church sign.  This week is from the Baptist Church next door to our church.  I love the message of this sign.  I think I fell in love with Frank at first sight.....but how awesome is it to know....that the minute God saw me....He loved me...even though He knew all I would be and do.  It leaves me speechless.  Have a blessed day tomorrow. 

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