Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To be baffled as to why Kristen Stewart won best actress in the People’s Choice Awards. And Eclipse won best movie and best drama movie? Hello? I’m embarrassed for America.

To think it’s cool that Ted Williams, the homeless man with the radio voice has a job.

To also think if I hear about Ted Williams, the homeless man with the radio voice one more time that I may scream.

To know that I’ll never be able to use a family cloth. Some families use cloth as toilet paper to save money and be, you know, GREEN and they’ll just re-wash the cloth and such...which is awesome, and I am no way poking fun. It’s just, I like my Charmin. So no. No family cloth. Ever.

To have been a little stunned when Justin Long’s ass came into the picture while watching Going the Distance. I was equally surprised to see Mark Ruffalo’s ass in The Kids Are All Right. I’m not a prude or anything; it was just shocking to watch a movie and be like, “Ahh! Ass!”

To think that the fact that Justin Beiber has a movie coming out about his life next month is ridiculous.

To have finally shoved stuff aside so my car can fit into the garage. I can’t use the door to the garage because of all the crap but hey, car fits in it again. Yay. (Note to self: clean garage when it gets warmer. It resembles a room from Hoarders. Minus the feces and dead animals, thank goodness.)

To be appalled how that guy opened fire in Arizona and injured and killed innocent people. Including a nine-year-old little girl. My heart goes out to Arizona.

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