Friday, January 7, 2011

Beth's Hands

There is nothing prettier to me than a piano playing.   As I have told you all before I am fascinated by hands.  I believe that hands are an insight into a person.  You can tell by the bumps, callouses, and smoothness of a hand just what that person's spirit is least....I can.  Monday night we went over to Beth and Ron's house so I could sing.  Beth is our pianist at the church and I could literally sit and listen to her play for hours.  She is so melodic....but watching her hands move up and down the scales was something else.  Her fingers trilled and slid and the sounds that came from them was amazing.  She played several of my favorite old church songs(mostly Dottie Rambo songs) and then played the piece de resistance, Tears will Never Stain the Streets of That was Ron's favorite song and it sounded like a choir of angels as she tinkled those ivories.  Beth teaches piano lessons and it is so awesome to see these beautiful hands used for God's work.  I will cherish the music that flows through her forever.  I wish you could hear her.  She truly is an awesome example of God at his finest.  I thought I would share Dottie Rambo and her family doing this song with you today.  Happy Friday!

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