Thursday, January 13, 2011

52 Weeks and 52 Letters - Am I Up For the Challenge?

I first saw this challenge today on Sara's blog. She got it from her friend MiMi.  I have a blogging friend MiMi it caught my eye.  The minute I read about it, I knew I had to try it.  I was not going to blog about it because I was just going to do it....and that way no one would know if I did not make it.  But after reading Sara's blog blog this morning...and the fact that she was brave enough to post it I decided  to post it myself so that all my readers could hold me accountable for it.  I started week one/two by sending out three letters to Mr. M.L. because he missed Sunday at church, Mrs. Ruby, because she was sick, and Mr. Junior who is also sick.  I know you are asking yourself....What is this crazy thing Karen has decided to do?  Well, it is the concept of writing 52 letters in 52 weeks....or a letter a week!  This is a challenge to write, with your hand(good thing it is not with my feet), a letter a week to someone....anyone.  I LOVE receiving letters in the mail. Don't we all search through it each day in hopes of something personal in there(I love the ones on pretty stationary and with cute stickers or smiling faces) know...instead of bills, catalogs, flyers, and the other junk that comes? I know I do.  I  worked hard at teaching Kat to write thank-you notes, but today society is pushing the idea that everything can be done through email and FB.....and yes, lot's of things can. But it is hard to go back through emails and FB when you need encouragement. I keep a scrapbook of all the letters and cards I have received over the years and when I need a quick pick-me-up I go get the scrapbook and pour over the cards to remember that person....or that special moment.  Sara's  family writes a letter to each other at Christmas.  I think that is the neatest thing.  It is a really sweet tradition and one I think I would love to start myself. So, I am going to do this....and the hardest part for me will be getting it to the mailbox.....and of course having stamps!  I am going to copy Sara and do the same to all my readers out's where you come in....if you would like to receive a letter or card from me email me your address and I will put you on my list!!!  Even better....why don't you make a plan to do this to.  You never know who's day you will brighten could even be your own.  Got to run....I have a letter to write.  Today I am writing one to my cousin's husband, Randy....he is in Emory hospital right now...and staying at Hope Lodge when not in the hospital.  He had a stem cell transplant before Christmas....and I know being away from family and friends is not easy.  Happy Writing!

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