Friday, January 28, 2011

A Little Tongue Will Do You

When I was a child my mom was a firm believer in at least trying everything that was on your plate.  Well...that is all well and good as long as it is not weird beef tongue.  We had a butcher shop we visited every Friday to get the our meats for the week.  It was my favorite part of grocery shopping because we also go lunch meat there...and Jake had the best pastromi on the face of the earth.  He also had homemade fresh breads made by his wife.  My favorite was pumpernickel and Jewish rye.  So every week I knew we were going to get bread and pastromi.  One night when I was older and working after school I came home hungry and there....nestled in the bottom of the fridge was the red paper from Jakes that he ALWAYS wrapped my pastromi in.  I decided to take the lazy way and just reach into the paper and grab a couple of slices of hand went refridgerator lite.....and it stuck on whatever was in the paper.  I mean...STUCK.  It just latched onto my hand.  I screamed and fell backwards onto the floor and the meat went sailing up to the new dropped ceiling tiles...and stuck.  I looked up...and a tongue was hanging down towards me.  I screamed again and this time my dad came rushing in to see what the commotion was all about.  You can imagine how he guffawed when he saw me laying in the floor, pointing to the ceiling, and there was the tongue half hanging towards me.  Needless to say...when my mom put it on the table the next night for supper....I was not having any of it.  To this day I have never eaten Beef tongue and have a thing about cows, horses, etc....licking me.  GROSS!  Did your mom ever make you eat anything that you found totally repugnant?  Drop me a comment and let me know what it was.  Happy Friday!

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