Friday, November 30, 2012

Five Minute Friday - Wonder

Five Minute Friday is going to take the month of December off. To catch it’s breath. To reflect. To listen more than write. To rest. We’ll start fresh in January. So for now, let’s write our fingers off in just five minutes!  It’s the final #FiveMinuteFriday of 2012; be sure and join in!

How to Join:

Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.
Now, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Oh and Ahem, if you would take pity and turn off comment verification, it would make leaving some love on your post that much easier for folks!  OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:::


My heart seems to fill with wonder every year about this time.  I wish I could bottle the feeling and take a good sized dose every day.  Music is my passion....and especially during the Christmas season.  I love almost every song. (I don't like Grandma Got Run Over.)One of my favorite songs at Christmas is not the traditional sounds but off a CD called "City on A Hill." The song, Child of Wonder, Child of Love, is by Sara Grove and the lyrical lines that fit th prompt word today goes something like this...."Child of wonder, close Your eyes.  Rest here in my arms tonight. Someday You will save the world. But tonight I'll hold You, right here in my arms...Child of wonder, close Your eyes..."  What an amazing moment that must have been to have experienced the wonder of the birth of the baby Jesus.  Can you imagine the wonder the shepherds must have felt when they saw the star and heard the angels singing?  Can you imagine the wisemen and their wonder when they found out about the baby?  Can you imagine Mary and Joseph....and all th other key players in this wonderful story.  Christmas is always a great time of wonder for me.  I love the wonder of what lies hidden in the beautifully decorated boxes sitting under the tree.  I love the wonder of the stories that will be shared in church each Sunday during advent.  I love the wonder of the children's Christmas pagent.  But my biggest thrill I saw last night when I checked into my hotel in Montgomery.  It had a massive, gloriously decorated tree in the Atrium....and there was a little girl....about three....squatting and looking with wonder at the ornaments, the lights, the gifts....her face was glowing from the lights of the tree....and I sat in rapture as I experienced her moment of wonder with her.  She was precious.  My hope for you all is that you will experience that great wonder just like a child throughout this Christmas season.  With love and many blessings!STOP:

Antler Ear Photos

So I had this idea that everyone would wear antler ears and I'd take a picture.

The problem was, Tommy was like, "No thanks."

Then Tom surprised me and said he'd wear them so I was like, "Yay!" Natalie agreed and then it came to the challenge.


The cat.

I got him cat antlers.

Lucky for us, he's pretty chill, especially after he's just eaten.

So I was able to put them on:

Doesn't Max look thrilled. He's probably thinking, "Hope this lady knows the tree is going to be clawed to death tonight."

He's so coughing up a hairball into my shoe, isn't he?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

More Than A Bucket List

About The Book:  Most of us agree that the older we get, the faster time seems to speed by.  As our time on earth gets shorter, the list of promises we make to ourselves grows longer.  Fun ideas of things to do, places to see, and ways to make a difference!  Everyone dreams about places to see, people to meet, and things to do in their lifetime. But too often we lose sight of those dreams and get buried in everyday busyness and demands. More Than a Bucket List will inspire you to seize and act on a range of dreams—anything from visiting the Holy Land, donating your time at a soup kitchen, learning to climb a tree, or helping a child learn to read. The book also includes ideas to make lasting memories as you marvel at a new sight, laugh like crazy with an old friend, or change a life.

About The Author:  Toni Birdsong , co-author of @stickyJesus: how to live out your faith online, is a partner in Birdsong Creative, a visual communications, marketing, and Web firm in Franklin, Tennessee. She’s served as a reporter and editor for several Los Angeles- based newspapers in and as a communications specialist for the Walt Disney Company. She has authored more than 2,000 articles and currently provides marketing content and social media strategy for businesses and ministries. She lives outside of Franklin with her husband, Troy, and their creative kids Zane and Olivia. They are members of Grace Chapel in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee where Toni serves in the women’s and youth ministries.
My Thoughts On The Book:  I love laughter.  Laughter reminds me that life is a joy.  Proverbs 17:22 tells us “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”  Twenty years ago I began my own Bucket List filled with things I wanted to accomplish in my life.  As I completed one I added another.  I am just like man others who walk this earth.  I dream about places I want to see, peopleI am dying to meet, and things I want  to do before I meet my maker.  Along the way I have lost track of some dreams and buried some others because life got in my way. and demands. This wonderful  gift book,  More Than a Bucket List lit the fire in me to began seeking my dreams and adding a greater perspective to my life….God’s!  I love the way that Birdsong divides her book thematically and fills each chapter with God’s word and wonderful personal narratives  I really loved the pages in the back that were set aside for the reader to write their very own bucket list  I cannot wait to take wing once more and soar!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing Booksneeze Program for bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.


Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Noisy Kids At Movies

I know I hit on this when I wrote how I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2.

It bugged me so much so I decided to mention it again on Things That Annoy Me Thursday.

Kids. Babies. In movie theaters. When it is not a children’s movie.

I don’t get it.

I remember when I went to see a SCARY movie (Paranormal Activity) and I was shocked when a family walked in. The kids didn’t look older than 5.

I suppose it’s not so bad if the kids are quiet throughout the movie. You want to give your kid nightmares, great. That’s on you. But if the kid starts running around and being noisy—you have to remove him or her. Sorry. A lot of parents don’t seem to comprehend this. They’ll either A) ignore the kid or B) just go “shhhh” and try to bribe Junior with some Milk Duds.

When I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2, a kid started wailing and the parents did nothing! The proper thing to do is to remove the kid. But no, they just let the kid whine and cry.

Seriously, if your kid isn’t going to be quiet, wait until the movie comes out on DVD.

Don’t annoy everyone around you.

And it is not cute if your kid goes dancing down the aisles over and over again. Make your child stay SEATED.

Signed, everyone at the movie theater.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hodge Podge With a Christmas Twist - Vol 103

Welcome to the Joyce's first Hodgepodge of the Christmas season! Officially it is not really December, but I, like Joyce, always feel like the Monday following Thanksgiving marks the transition into holiday mode. Be sure to add your link to the bottom of Joyce's post and then spread some Christmas love by visiting the neighbors.

Did you know that there are only four hodgepodges til Christmas, just in case you're wondering. So with that being said here are the questions and my answers for this week:

1.  Which do you prefer-pretty gift wrap with a bow or a pretty gift bag with/without a bow? What percentage of your holiday gifts are currently (as in right this very minute) wrapped in some form or fashion?  I love wrapping Christmas presents and to me it is all about the presentation.  I love paper and bows.  I do elaborate ones and most of the time at Dirty Santa's my gifts are chosen....just because of the wrapping.  Wrapped?  Right this minute?  I have wrapped the ones that have gone out already.  As far as the ones still left for my tree....0%.  I don't have my tree no presents are wrapped.  It is all about the process.

2. What is one item on your Christmas list this year?  There is actually nothing that I want....or need.  I want quality time with my family and friends.

3. What makes a home?  Home is where your heart is.  It is the warmth and love of family.  It is somewhere you can never go back to no matter how hard you try.  Home is where you can be yourself and still be loved.  Home is where there is a warm embrace waiting....and an "I love you."  Home is my special place and when there are storms brewing is where I go to be safe.

4. Motown founder Berry Gordy celebrates his birthday today...are you a fan of the Motown sound? If so who's your favorite Motown artist and/or song?  I lam a huge fan of the Motown sound, especially the early hits. I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried, but The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, The Temptations and Gladys Knight and the Pips are high on my list. If I had to pick a favorite song it would be I Wish It Would Rain by the Temptations.

5. Red or green...which one is more prevalent in your closet?  I have more red than green, although I like both colors.

6. True or false-bacon makes it better? If you answered true, what's your favorite dish made with bacon?  I like bacon....but it does not necessarily make it better....or worse.    BLT is my favorite bacon dish.  I  have just recently become a huge fan of maple flavored bacon from SAMS.  My house smells like pancakes after we cook it.

7. Share a favorite holiday memory.  Waiting for my dad to get the movie camera set had a beam of very bright lights that were blinding.  We would wait for hours (it was only a few minutes) and then we were allowed to come out and see what we had.  That light was so bright and so hot you would sweat.  My dad would say..."look at me and smile!"  You couldn't look at him because it was blinding.  I miss that part of Christmas.

8.  Insert your own random thought here:  I love Christmas music so very much and cannot wait until the Friday after Thanksgiving to begin listening to it.  Tradtional hymn carols I would be hard pressed to chose from but...Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming would be one of my top favorites.  White Christmas would be my favorite secular song.  There is nothing better than to hearing Bing Crosby crooning it in one of my favorite Christmas musicals.   I have been glued to the television for several days watching the Hallmark Christmas movies.  I AM crafting while I I am not a total couch potato.  What is your favorite Christmas song?????

I Went Out On Black Thursday

People. There were people everywhere. And yuck, the ones in front of us kept smoking so the smoke kept wafting into my face. Did they need a new cigarette every twenty minutes? I mean really. I don’t look down on people who smoke—my Dad smoked for years—but he was a polite smoker. He would have never smoked in a line. He’d have stepped off to the side and done it.

At least it wasn’t cold.

My friend Jennifer and I were standing in line at Target on Thanksgiving. It was a little after 7 and the line was already stretched pretty far back. The store didn’t open until 9.

I know there were some complaints from people saying that the workers shouldn’t have to go in on Thanksgiving, that it would take time away from family…which I get, but then I was like, “Um, military people work on holidays all the time. Some are even deployed. At least the people who work get to go home after. The ones who are deployed can’t.” Plus, most of the time, Thanksgiving is over by 4 since most people eat early.

Of course when I said this on Facebook, some people didn’t get it, which is their right, but honestly I did not feel guilty shopping on Thanksgiving. The people who work at least get time and a half. When my husband worked on Thanksgiving, he didn’t get that. He worked a lot of holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years…we just dealt with it.

There were actually barricades out to prevent people from charging inside from the parking lot. This happens a lot. When I did Black Friday in Wyoming, I waited in line at Kohls and when the doors opened, people who were waiting in the comfort of their warm cars (it was FREEZING in Wyoming) rushed out and pushed past everywhere. If you’ve ever done this before, shame on you. Wait in line.

The time passed quickly and when the store opened, no one charged. It got a little nuts inside the store since people were rushing for the TVs but nothing insane. No fights, thank goodness.

I ended up with an outdoor fire pit for $29.99.

Now we can have s’mores! Mmmm.

I did not go back out at 4 AM. No thanks. I actually preferred going out Thursday evening so I hope the stores keep those sales going.

Because I will be there.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Unexpected Christmas Hero

About The Book: This is an inspiring and compelling story of friendship and survival.  Josie Meyers and her 2 young children think they are living the American dream until their dream turns to a nightmare.  The little family finds themselves homeless and Josie is forced to deal with the fallout of her husband's decisions.   Josie spends every moment worrying about where they will eat, where they will sleep, what if one of them becomes ill, whom can she trust, how will the children be able to attend school, will the weather turn cold or rainy or snow. While the scenes surrounding Josie are dominated by Christmas decorations and carols unfold, Josie finds herself being forced to lean on the kindness and generosity of others.  What she does not know is that the influence of one homeless man in particular is about to change the course of her life and lead her home to the One who waits for her.  He becomes her unexpected Christmas hero.
About The Author: 

Twitter: @alandkathi

 Though I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, and yes, great grandmother, I also ride on the back of my hubby's Harley and am known as "Easy Writer." (Update: Hubby sold Harley and bought a 2005 sunburst orange Corvette, so I'm still "Easy Writer" but in comfort now!)
My Thoughts On The Book:  I have to say that I was deeply affected by  Kathi Macias' novel. I’ve never experienced homelessness personally but have contributed time and gifts to "Bridge Ministry" (homeless people who live under the interstate are given warm soup, blankets, and coats), I have served meals at a mission, church, my school.  There is something very rewarding in giving of yourself to someone in need.  I loved the characters of the book, with Josie being one of my favorites.  She is busy living the good life when out of the blue her world shifts off its axis. First she loses her mother, then her husband becomes ill and she loses him as well. The breaking point comes when her home is foreclosed upon. She and her two young children are forced to learn to navigate the welfare system in order to survive. With very limited funds there are times when she and her children are forced to sleep in an alley behind a dry cleaner’s shop. I had to ask myself as a mother, how would I ever sleep?  Having done some work in a homeless shelter I am not sure it is much is just inside, but desperation leads people to do many things they would not normally do.  It broke my heart as this young mother tried her best to feed and provide lodging for her little ones.  Just when I felt my heart was broken for this little family, a ray of sunshine peaked through and God began to weave people into their lives that would change them and ultimately draw them closer to Him. The most profound pairing was that of Rick and this family. Rick,  a homeless Vietnam veteran suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Rick chooses the streets over a veteran’s home where he would most likely spend his days heavily medicated.  Rick embodied the Christ-like character of laying down his life so that others may obtain life.  The story made me view the homeless and their situation differently. I think everyone should read this story and let it speak to you.  It has a very powerful story to tell!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Net Galley Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.


Unexpected Christmas Hero

About The Book: This is an inspiring and compelling story of friendship and survival.  Josie Meyers and her 2 young children think they are living the American dream until their dream turns to a nightmare.  The little family finds themselves homeless and Josie is forced to deal with the fallout of her husband's decisions.   Josie spends every moment worrying about where they will eat, where they will sleep, what if one of them becomes ill, whom can she trust, how will the children be able to attend school, will the weather turn cold or rainy or snow. While the scenes surrounding Josie are dominated by Christmas decorations and carols unfold, Josie finds herself being forced to lean on the kindness and generosity of others.  What she does not know is that the influence of one homeless man in particular is about to change the course of her life and lead her home to the One who waits for her.  He becomes her unexpected Christmas hero.

About The Author: 

Twitter: @alandkathi


 Though I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, and yes, great grandmother, I also ride on the back of my hubby's Harley and am known as "Easy Writer." (Update: Hubby sold Harley and bought a 2005 sunburst orange Corvette, so I'm still "Easy Writer" but in comfort now!)
My Thoughts On The Book:  I have to say that I was deeply affected by  Kathi Macias' novel. I’ve never experienced homelessness personally but have contributed time and gifts to "Bridge Ministry" (homeless people who live under the interstate are given warm soup, blankets, and coats), I have served meals at a mission, church, my school.  There is something very rewarding in giving of yourself to someone in need.  I loved the characters of the book, with Josie being one of my favorites.  She is busy living the good life when out of the blue her world shifts off its axis. First she loses her mother, then her husband becomes ill and she loses him as well. The breaking point comes when her home is foreclosed upon. She and her two young children are forced to learn to navigate the welfare system in order to survive. With very limited funds there are times when she and her children are forced to sleep in an alley behind a dry cleaner’s shop. I had to ask myself as a mother, how would I ever sleep?  Having done some work in a homeless shelter I am not sure it is much is just inside, but desperation leads people to do many things they would not normally do.  It broke my heart as this young mother tried her best to feed and provide lodging for her little ones.  Just when I felt my heart was broken for this little family, a ray of sunshine peaked through and God began to weave people into their lives that would change them and ultimately draw them closer to Him. The most profound pairing was that of Rick and this family. Rick,  a homeless Vietnam veteran suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Rick chooses the streets over a veteran’s home where he would most likely spend his days heavily medicated.  Rick embodied the Christ-like character of laying down his life so that others may obtain life.  The story made me view the homeless and their situation differently. I think everyone should read this story and let it speak to you.  It has a very powerful story to tell!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Net Galley Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.


Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To have decorated the house with Christmas stuff the day after Thanksgiving.

To not be surprised that Justin Beiber met the Canadian Prime Minister in overalls. He seems the type to do that.

To have gotten That’s My Boy from Netflix. It was pretty funny. I was mostly amused that Vanilla Ice was in it.

To hate when online stores are like “Free shipping!” And then in tiny print it says “On orders of $100 or more.” You guys suck.

To have entered in a fabulous giveaway for a beautiful necklace over at YourCharmedLife. Kelly makes great stuff!

To have not seen Lindsay Lohan's new movie Liz and Dick. I hear it was quite laughable.

To be happy that they are making a spinoff of Boy Meets World! This show will be about Cory and Topanga's daughter. Find more info here.

To think it’s funny that Tom insisted on getting this for our yard:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hill of Beans

About The Book:  John Snyder’s memoir of growing up in the Depression era south evokes a time gone by. It is written with affection and understanding about people dealing with hard times, sometimes with cruelty, sometimes with violence... including a mysterious case of arson that forever changed the author’s life.
About the Author:  John Snyder grew up in North and South Carolina, attended the University of Chicago, and moved to New York in 1959. Recently retired as an Executive Director of Morgan Stanley, he previously worked as a buyer at Bloomingdales, and head of research for a carpet manufacturer. Along the way, he was awarded 7 patents, made an industrial film that won first place in the New York Film Festival, and wrote 2 off-Broadway plays. Throughout his working career he maintained a machine shop for making prototypes of inventions and turning found objects into sculpture. He continues to make sculpture (, and has written this memoir. He and his wife divide their time between New York City and Cedar Mountain, North Carolina.
My Thoughts On The Book:  As a southerner....sort of....I enjoyed this story a great deal.  John Snyder is quite the wordsmith.  This was an extremely well written account of what life was like growing up in the south during 1934 – 1951.  The author spent much of his childhood in North Carolina and South Carolina. The book had my attention from the get go.  Southern authors seem to love their characters,  and throughout this whole story there are well life like characters milling about.  During the Depression times were hard and a mysterious case of arson changed Snyder’s life forever.  Snyder writes  in the styles of William Faulkner and Flannery O’Connor.  The book was a wonderful read and would make a great gift for someone who loves southern fiction.  I found a clip of the book on You Tube and you can check it out by clicking here.  I think this book would make a great movie and hope it becomes one.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Smith/Kerr Associates LLC Publishing via Netgalley Publishing Group and their Blogging For Books Program. I was not required to write a positive review. All they asked for was an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

So I Saw Breaking Dawn Part 2

So I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2. And if you’re expecting me to gush about it, you might as well leave. That’s not going to happen.

Okay, so I went with my friend Jennifer. We saw it in the balcony of the theater which meant we wouldn’t be surrounded by the teen fans that squeal and the creepy adult fans who also squeal. I’ll never understand the adult fans who call themselves twi-moms. I don’t care if Edward is really like a hundred or something. It’s still weird.


The best thing about seeing a movie in the balcony is the warmed seats. I always chill in movie theaters. The second best thing is the food. You can order from a menu and they bring it to you. We got the cheese fries. The third best thing is that you can watch the people filter into the theater below you. You feel like royalty. “Look at me in my awesome box and look at you in your regular seats surrounded by the teen fans…and the children and infants..”

Seriously. People brought children and infants to Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Children. And infants.

I’m not judging or anything.

Actually, I am. It’s not appropriate to bring children and infants to that type of movie.

So the movie started and it’s all…ooo, thanks for all the shots of the snow. Awesome. Then it shows Edward with his constipated look on his face staring at Bella. He still weirds me out. I mean, guys, he watched her sleep when she was human. This is not a healthy thing. That’s what serial killers do. But a lot of women are like, “How romantic!” How do you figure? How can people sleep when people are staring at them? What if you drool? That’s not sexy. What if you snore? Not sexy.

Then came the part that was really distracting. They used a CGI baby as Renesmee which I understand because getting an infant to place her hand lovingly on Bella’s cheek probably wouldn’t have gone well. Still. They could have used something better.

Bella and Edward have vampire sex, which made me giggle, because in the middle of it a burst of light appears around Bella’s face which I’m assuming meant she orgasmed? I know I was probably supposed to think, “How romantic!” but again I was like, “This is just all sorts of strange..”

The fight scene came later in the film, which was entertaining enough. I won’t spoil anything but the scene didn’t make me sad or anything. It could be because one of the infants that a parent decided to bring started to wail and it took them awhile to PARENT the child. If you have to bring Junior to the movies, immediately leave when it starts to make noises. If I can hear it from the balcony, imagine how loud it must be down there.

The movie ends with Bella and Edward sitting in a field of flowers and Bella is like, “Let me show you something,” and the look on Edward’s face made me whisper to Jennifer, “Did she just fart or something?” because he had his famous constipated look that oddly enough seem to make women swoon.

All and all it was an okay movie. Nothing I’d need to see again. Some people were gushing about it, saying it was the best thing they had ever seen which made me want to get them to watch proper movies such as The Sound of Music and Gone with the Wind. Stat. Those are good movies. One about werewolves and vampires? Not so much in my eyes. (And so many are calling it epic. Huh?)

After the movie Jennifer and I went to the bathroom where we found this sign:

I know it’s meant to be sweet and such but it made me laugh. (And yes, it is missing a word..) Who leaves affirmations in the bathroom where people pee and deficate? Was it because we had paid $18 a seat to be able to be in the balcony? Did balcony bathrooms get affirmations?

Anyway, at least the Twilight movies are over. I’m ready for Catching Fire to comeout. That’s a series I really enjoy.

Although the fact that Miley Cyrus’ fiance is in it is somewhat annoying, but I’ll push through that.

Go Katniss! And thank you for not looking constipated.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Friends Gift Pack Winner

I did a giveaway for a Friends gift pack here.

I used to pick a winner and it chose...

...number 8, which is All Things Yummy!


If you didn't win, I will have future giveaways to try again at!

Project 365 - Week 47

Well after a wild week of over-indulgences, Hallmark Christmas movies, travel, and good times I am settling down to put my Project 365 up.  Sara is our host and I know she would love to have you join us.  So, here is my week in photos:
Sunday, November 18th
Still working on Sherry's wreath.  She decorates on the I want to have it to her in plenty of time.  Today is the only day I will have time to work on it.  Perfect day...crafting and Hallmark movies.  I love my life.
Monday, November 19th

A Pinterest project in action.  I have modge podged 18 clothespins with Christmas scrapbook paper and they will be put together with some burlap ribbon and a bow to hold my Christmas cards.  I could not finish the project on Monday because I did not have an exacto knife to trim the edges.  Hopefully I will have a finished picture by next week.  I love Christmas crafting.
Tuesday, November 20th
We left as soon as I got home from work and drove to Frank's sister, Ann's house.  She has a weeping willow in her yard and the lights gave it such an eerie look that I had to grab this shot.  We will be in Greenville until Friday morning.
Wednesday, November 21st
Today was Ann's day for Chemo and we took her to the hospital.  When we dropped her off we ran to Masts General Store and grabbed some breakfast at the Chocolate Mouse coffee shop across the street while we waited for it to open.  These trees were at the hospital.  When we got back we were allowed to go and sit with Ann while she finished treatment.  It was a very interesting process.  After the treatment we went to Papa's and Beer for lunch.  It is a local Mexican restaurant and they make your guacamole at the was delish.  For supper we went to Miyobi's Japanese Steak House. 
Thursday, November 22nd

Thursday, Turkey Day started with the traditional Macy's Day Parade.  Richard, Frank and I went to gas up the cars and get Ann some cough syrup.  At 11 we went to Golden Corral or lunch.  It was different eating Thanksgiving's feast in a restaurant and not in someone's home.  We went to Big Lots and hit a few early bird specials, went back to the house and took a little nap to get ready for the auction at 4.  Richard and Frank were cutting up on the back row.  I had to grab the two of them acting goofy.
Friday, November 23rd

We left Greenville about 5 heading for Chuck and Susan's til Saturday.  The sun did not come up for about 2 hours.  We grabbed breakfast in Sevierville and then did a quick pick up in Gatlinburg.  We got to Chuck and Sue's about 10:30.  The guys went shooting out at Tony's and Sue and I watched Hallmark Christmas movies.  When the guys got home we went up to Jan and Keith's for dinner and then onto our grand adventure for this year.  We saw one of the most amazing light shows at the ball field.  Next year I want to make sure Frank gets to see the Bristol speedway.

Saturday, November 24th

I was delighted when I got home and found all my Pinterest project materials that had arrived from Trendy Tree.  I am going to hole up in my house on Sunday and craft my heart out.....oh and watch Hallmark Christmas movies.  See you next week! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Another Tennessee Adventure

My oldest and dearest friend, Susan and her husband Chuck (Chuckles) live in Knoxville, Tennessee.  My earliest memories of time spent with them in K-town always involves some sort of adventure.  We have run the roads of the Smokey Mountains, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and I have seen parts of Eastern Tennessee that only a native knows.  I have slid down mountain roads in the snow in an old VW with my heart in my throat...loving every minute of it.  We have target shot (yesterday Chuck and Frank went to Tony's to shoot - Susan and I stayed in and gorged out on Hallmark Christmas movies), I have done the Dragon's Tail in an HHR and had as much fun as if we were on a motorcycle, we have raised children together, we have had so many wonderful adventures....and last night was one of those great life adventures. 

We ate dinner with Jan and Keith....Chuck cooked an herbed pork roast and gravy....and Keith made the most amazing whipped potatoes.  The company was wonderful.....Jan, Keith, Michael, and little Aaron are a lovely Christian family.  Keith is the Youth Minister at City View Baptist.  He is an amazing guy, they are both teachers, and the cutest couple. After supper we went to the Sevierville exit off of I-40 to the Smokey's Ballpark to one of the most awsomest Christmas light shows I have been to in.....hum....I don't know that I have ever been to one this fabulous.  Ok...Calloway is number one.....and the professor in Auburn....would be number three.  Anyways, you tuned your radio to 97.5 and drove through the lighted trail 12 Days of Christmas fantasy in lights.  They did the Christmas tree lights to the Hallelujah Chorus....let me tell you....our little car was vibrating, camera's were clicking, we were was a heavenly high! 

We came home and I just mellowed in the afterglow with a piece of pumpkin pie and some ice cream from Village Bakery.  What a wonderful day....pumpkin pie, adventure, and friends.  Life does not get much better than this!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Five Minute Friday - Thank You

The month of December Lisa-Jo is taking the month off.  I can't blame her.  My calendar is really packed already and we haven't even made it to December yet, and I will be out of town the first two weekends of the month.  I have enjoyed Five Minute Friday even though this week mine is actually Five Minute Friday on Saturday due to the fact that I have not had easy access to a computer and I( have been visiting.  From visiting is where I get my stories. Frank's sister, Ann is a great story teller.  She fills me with all kinds of tales about when she and Frank were children. If you feel you want to participate today....then, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Oh and Ahem, if you would take pity and turn off comment verification, it would make leaving some love on your post that much easier for folks!
OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:::

Thank You…


Since Thanksgiving Day was just yesterday I have so much to be thankful for.  Thursday was a day of "Thank You's" to a number of people and I thought I would take this opportunity to do just that.  My number one thank you goes to God.  Thank you Lord for all your many blessings on me and my family.  Thank you for a wonderful church to worship in, for my children, for good friends-old and new, for times spent with family and friends, for my health, for my job, for the food on my table, the shoes(and most of you know I LOVE shoes) on my feet, for my students, for people I already know and those I will someday meet, for loving parents who TOOK me to church and stayed with me, for the Porch People, for an education, for my loving husband, Frank who gives me the freedom to try new things and never laughs at me when I botch something, to my oldest and dearest friends for many of my adventures in life, for Kat and Jill for helping me "Keep it sweet," for the chance to travel and see the world, and my list goes on.  I am so thankful for so much and I want any and everyone who has touched my life....whether good or bad...."Thank you!"  You have made a difference in my life and helped to form me into who I am.   


Have a wonderfully blessed day! 


Thursday, November 22, 2012

New Thanksgiving Memories

Thanksgiving has always been a big deal in my family.  We have always gotten together and this year it is going to be no different....except I won't be there.  Frank has never asked me to spend a holiday with his family...although we have gone to Amy's several times ON Thanksgiving Day because my family was doing theirs on the weekend before or after.  This year Frank's sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and we decided to spend Thanksgiving with her in Greenville, SC instead of at the beach with my family.  It was strange for me NOT to be all wrapped up in my humongous family....but it turned out to be such a blessing to sit in on chemo with Ann on Wednesday and share some time with her.  I would have not traded it for anything.  We got there on Tuesday night and sat and talked until late.  Poor Richard had to work on Wednesday.  We got up on Wednesday and took Ann to the hospital.  While she was getting prepped we ran to downtown Greenville so I could hit Mast's General Store.  It is one of my favorite places of all times.  They have barrels of old-fashioned candy in the back.  The wooden floors squeak as you walk over smells like the past.  I love it!  We went back and stayed with Ann through the rest of chemo.  She now knows more than she ever wanted to because I asked a bazillion questions.  After chemo we were all starving.  Frank and I had eaten a muffin at the Chocolate Moose downtown...and it was long gone.  Ann took us to Papas and Beer, a Mexican restaurant.  They make the most delicious guacamole right at your table.  They have a salsa bar....and the food was more than plentiful.  I ate about a third of my burrito.  For supper that night we went to a Japanese Steak House called Myogi's.  The food was again delicious.  I ordered a small meal of shrimp and scallops.  Thursday was a big day and Ann was feeling pretty good so we got up and watched a bit of the Macy's Day Parade, went to Golden Corral for lunch.  This was a bit weird for was my first time to ever eat Thanksgiving in a restaurant.  Obviously it was something a lot of people do.  We went back to Ann's and I took a nap....too much tryptophan for me.  At 4 we headed to the Thanksgiving Auction!  It was so much fun.  Debbie, Ann's good friend, went with us...and it was a blast!  We got up on Friday  morning when Ann went to work and headed to Knoxville to stop in and see Chuck and Sue.  Sue and I watched Hallmark movies while the guys went shooting.  We ate dinner at Keith and Jan's house and then went to the most amazing Christmas lights show at the Smokies field....loved it!  What a great adventure we had.  I missed my family....but made new memories in a different way!  Hope your holiday was just as special! 

Enjoy The Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. And for those who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving today, I hope you have a wonderful day.

I decided to make a list of things that I am thankful for.

--Chocolate. It has helped me through a lot of hard times. I don’t drink wine so this is my go to treat when no one is listening to me or when my DVR breaks and doesn’t record the latest Grey’s Anatomy even though I TOLD IT TO. Stupid electronics.

--My husband. He’s had to work many a holiday and I’m glad he gets today off. I’m also grateful that he’s around to cut the turkey. I don’t know how to cut turkeys properly. I usually butcher it to the point where my husband asks if a bear broke into our home and mauled the turkey.

--My kids. They are loud but they are pretty fantastic.

--Deoderant. Without it, we would all stink. My son, especially. He’s only 10 but he NEEDS deoderant. Otherwise he can clear out a room.

--Good TV shows. I love when I find a show that keeps me excited. Or guessing.

--Electricity. When I watch shows like The Tudors I’m extra grateful for it. Having to handwash clothes would make me terribly cranky.

If you plan on shopping tonight, stay safe! And tell me what you got!

I won't have a new post up Friday because I'll be busy getting all our Christmas decorations out from the garage.

Send good thoughts that I'm not crushed by all the boxes we have out there.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Hodge Podge - Vol 102

It is late and everyone in the house is in bed....what am I doing?  I am catching up on my post for today.  I am almost going to miss it.  I should I be sleeping like the rest of the group since I did not sleep well last not....but I am on Hodge Podge to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.  Want to play along?  If so jump over to Joyce's site and join in.

1. Turkey-love it or leave it? White meat or dark? What's your favorite thing to make using leftover turkey?  I am like Joyce in that I truly love turkey but I personally like dark meat the best. I love a homemade turkey noodle soup made with the leftovers, or turkey salad. 
2. Gotta burn off all those carbs the day after a holiday feast so which would you rather do-run a 10K or climb a mountain?  My knees won't let me run. I do love to hike though, and would choose to climb ten mountains over a run any day. We are in Greenville, SC right now and will be in Knoxville on maybe I will get a chance to do some walking.
3. Do you feel like social networking has made your relationships better or worse? Explain.  I enjoy sharing and seeing family photos, getting travel, dining, and shopping tips, hearing about the everyday goings on in my friend's lives. Are there negatives? Yeah. I think we all know what they are so I'm not going to spell them out here.
4. How do you find and express gratitude for the hard things in your life?  I just know that things happen for a reason.  I may not understand it....but I can be grateful for the experience and know I will grow from it.  5. In the US the day after Thanksgiving has been dubbed 'Black Friday'. Is most of your holiday shopping done live and in person or is done more through the magic of the Internet? How do you feel about stores opening at midnight on Thanksgiving? Will you be out amongst the masses on Friday?
I am not a Black Friday shopper, I refuse to fight for any kind of takes the spirit out of Christmas for me.  I am almost completely done with my shopping and have a few more crafts to get done.  I am loving crafting for Christmas this year because it makes the gift special.  Thank you Kat for the Pinterest Christmas idea.  I have been pouring over Pinterest looking for the perfect gifts for you and Brian.6. Speaking of the color black-which black item in your wardrobe would you say is your favorite?  I have to agree with Joyce on her answer is my base color in my wardrobe and my favorite black item is a little black dress I bought to wear to my high school reunion.  I feel power in this dress.7. What do you appreciate about your life today?   That I have good friends, a loving family, a precious daughter, and a wonderful husband and that I am spending time with Frank's sister Ann and her husband Richard for Thanksgiving.8. Insert your own random thought here.  I have a question to ask you about Thanksgiving traditions.  Actually two....stuffing or dressing....and which President pardoned the first turkey?  Ok, I am really random tonight....I guess I am tired.....what is one of your most favorite Thanksgiving traditions/memories.  I hope you will share it with me.  Happy Turkey Day.

Christmas Dress Shopping Sucks

“Okay…pull it up…I’m sucking it all in. I’m sucking it all in. Pull it up!” I instructed to Tom.

“I…I can’t. It’s not moving,” Tom said polietly. Polietly, because he didn’t want to make me cry. It terrifies him when women cry. For those who have read my book The Swimmer's Assistant, remember the scene when Jane wants to throw a box of tissues at Vanessa’s head and run? That’s Tom.

“I’m sucking it all in!” I repeated as though that proclaimation was supposed to make a difference. Newsflash self: it wasn’t.

I was trying to squeeze into the dress I ordered online. I got it in a size 5 because I wear size 5 pants. Wasn’t that how dresses worked too?


No, that’s NOT how dresses work. Because mine wasn’t zipping up no matter what I did.

“Look, I’ll lie down on my stomach. You just zip it up,” I said. The zipper went up—until it went to the middle of my back—then it refused.

“Amber..I’m worried I’ll break it. It’s not going up. Maybe…maybe try…” Tom’s voice trickled away. He didn’t know what else to suggest. He knew he couldn’t say, “It’s not going to go up. You have too much back fat.”

“What’s going on?” Natalie asked, coming into the room. She stared at us in confusion. I suppose it was odd seeing me sprawled out on the floor with Tom over me trying to conquer the zipper.

“Daddy is trying to fix my dress,” I explained. I motioned for Tom to try again and he sighed.

“It’s not going,” Tom explained gently. The same way he spoke to me after my favorite series Lost ended because he could see how shaky and sad I was. (“There will be other shows,” he had said gently. “But none with JACK! And Hurley!” I had cried.)

“Now what?” I moaned into the carpet. I shouldn’t have bought a dress online. It’s just, I wanted to avoid going to the stores. But going to the stores is exactly what I had to do. I decided to go to JC Penney because it was close and because I had a $10 gift card.

There are scary looking dresses at JC Penney. And there were some that I thought, well, maybe that would look okay. But then they didn’t. Some looked like I was wearing a colored paper sack. Others left little to the imagination. I did not want to be THAT wife at my husband’s Christmas party. You know, the one who thinks she’s sexy but in real life looks like a cheap you-know-what?

I tried on over 10 dresses and towards the end I was beginning to HATE dresses. At one point I almost got stuck in a dress. I picked a size that was too small (you’d think I’d learn the first time, but no..) and when I went to take it off because it made me look like a sequined sausage, I found I couldn’t.

“Uh,” I said, tugging. What would happen if I couldn’t get it off? Open the changing room door and be like, “You! Man sitting on the chair waiting for his wife. Can you help?”

I managed to wiggle out of it. I had to remind myself that I was NOT the same size that I was in high school and to quit picking out small dresses.

In the end, I found a black dress but was worried that it might be too revealing. Again, I don’t want to be one of those wives. I’m not at all. I don’t think I’m sexy. I’m awkward in social situations and I don’t know how to walk in heels properly. I don’t want to be the center of attention. At all.

Anyway, here is the dress:

(I won’t wear the sunglasses. I wasn’t trying to be Audrey Hepburn, it’s just my eyes looked scary. I wasn’t drinking of anything.)

I’m wearing it with nylons, which apparently several people told me were out. What does that mean, out? As in, am I forbidden to wear them? If I do, is Joan Rivers going to pop out and slap my hand?

I’m wearing the nylons. With opened toed shoes, which is apparently also a no-no. Again, I don’t care. I don’t have the patience for fashion crap.

The heels are the same ones I wore for my vow renewal. They aren’t very comfortable but then again, I’m told most heels aren’t. I hate heels. I just hope I don’t lose my balance and go spinning into Tom’s commander. That would be awkward.

I also have to make sure I eat the meal that is served there delicately. I tend to eat like a man and shovel it all in.

I also have to get some dress tape to ensure that little dipping part in my dress doesn’t go too far down when I sit. Otherwise some poor guy is going to see my (faded) strapless bra.

Dress shopping sucks.

Heels suck.

There better be some awesome cake at this party.

Friends Blu Ray Series Winner!

I did a giveaway for a blu ray set of the Friends series here.

I used to pick a number and it chose...

....number 75, which was Jessica!!


If you didn't win, I also have a Friends gift pack giveaway going on here and I'll have other future giveaways.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

One Thanksgiving Story

When I was a little girl I loved being in the Thanksgiving program.  I loved dressing up as a pilgrim and wished that I really had lived during that time.  As an adult I realize what a hard time it was n the pilgrims and I am grateful to have been born in the 20th century.  I love Thanksgiving then and now.  I grew up over 600 miles from my grandparents so my Thanksgiving was spent with neighbors, my uncles and aunt, anyone who had no family, or no where to go. My mom's table was never empty and I looked forward to helping fix the stuffed celery, making the relish tray, opening the cranberry sauce, and setting the table.  I took great pride in preparing for this holiday.  In fact...I think it is one of my favorite holidays next to Easter.  While my mom was cooking my dad would tell the story of the first Thanksgiving.  I love the story of Sept 16, 1620 when two ships, the Speedwell and the Mayflower, set sail from Plymouth England. The Speedwell encountered major difficulty as they began their journey springing many leaks in the ship. So when the 2 ships went to port in Plymouth England, the Speedwell decided to go no further and 42 passengers from the Speedwell joined the 60 passengers and 30 crew members aboard the Mayflower.  This was an overcrowded ship for sure.  It kind of reminds me of when airlines overbook flights today.  Anyways, of the 102 passengers on board the Mayflower the majority were devout Christians. They were coming to America to shake lose from the bonds of the church of England so they could worship God as they believed scriptures taught.  Can you imagine how great their excitement was?  Even with the state of excitement being what it was it was not long before the trip became difficult. According to William Bradford, the resident historian on the Mayflower, many of the passengers became sea sick as huge waves would crash over the deck of the ship.  I don'ty know about you....but choppy seas and ships do nothing for me.   Their nights were cold, damp and dark.  There was no indoor plumbing or electricity. Many of the deathly ill were cursed and abused by members of the crew.  The crew member threatened to throw the sick passengers overboard and keep their belongings.  According to the records he was one of the first to be thrown overboard.   The storms they encountered were very fierce and shook the ship so that the passengers felt they would go down.  The battered ship finally came within sight of Cape Cod on November 19, 1620. Two had died at sea and two had given birth. The Pilgrims scanned the shoreline just to the west of them and described it as, "a goodly land wooded to the brink of the sea," William Bradford writes, "After long beatings at sea they fell with that land which is called Cape Cod,; and they were not a little joyful..."Before going ashore they decided to write a document know as the Mayflower Compact.  At the heart of the compact lay an undisputed conviction that God must be at the center of all law and order and the law without a moral base is really no law at all.  The day the Pilgrims signed the May Flower Compact, according to William Bradford, "they came to anchor in the Bay, which was a good harbor...and they blessed the God of Heaven, who brought them over the fast and furious ocean... and a sea of trouble. And they read the following from the Geneva Bible (the Bible the Pilgrims used) "Let them, therefore praise the Lord, because He is good and His mercies endure forever."  The day after tomorrow we will be continuing this grand celebration we call Thanksgiving Day. Some of us will be busy cooking turkeys, making stuffing/dressing, baking pumpkin pies, traveling, watching the Macy's Day Parade, and watching football games. And that is fun stuff .  What we need to remember is that it is important to get together with loved ones.  But that is not what thanksgiving is really about -- it’s not about food and fun... it is about giving thanks to the Lord God Almighty.  So as we begin to make preparations for this Thanksgiving Day....what are you thankful for?  I mean really thankful for.  Have a wonderful Turkey Day and remember to "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow...." 

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To be looking forward to Thanksgiving. I love turkey. We’re having it at my friend Jennifer’s house. I’m bringing the green bean casserole, stuffing, and apple pie.

To not be sure if I’ll do Black Friday or not. Apparently there’s some weird Oklahoma law that passed saying that Oklahoma won’t get the same deals. ?

To have volunteered to help set up and clean up at Natalie’s Thanksgiving party tomorrow that she’s having at her school. I’m going to be surrounded by five-year-olds. And now I’m picturing Kindergarten Cop.

To have started watching Married to the Army on the OWN network. It just started and I’m sure it’ll be repeating if you were curious.

To be going to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 on Wednesday with Jennifer. We’re seeing it in the balcony where I can order booze in case I get irritated. The movies are okay, but nothing I’d ever gush about.

To have really liked the first season of Homeland. Must watch season 2 now.

To know it’s going to be a long week because the kids are off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

To have a Friends giveaway ending tomorrow. You can win a Blu Ray Friends series set here!

Monday, November 19, 2012

What Makes My Eyes Roll

The following things have been making my eyes roll...

---When people shorten words. It’s adorable, not adorbs. It’s totally, not totes. I would die in Los Angeles, I think, land of the cray cray.

--When people carry their dogs around in purses. It’s a pet, not an accessory.

--When people push their cats around in strollers. It’s a pet, not a human being.

--When people go on and on about only allowing organic food in their home. It’s your choice, not mine.

--When people don’t understand why others don’t parent like they do. Again, it’s your choice, not mine. I’m not going to make my own baby food or cloth diaper. I’m fine with that, and you should be too.

--When people tell me that certain things are no longer in style. Like nylons or wearing the same shoes all year long. I don’t care what is in style. I’ll wear what makes me comfortable.

--Basically the entire AMA show. I didn't even watch, I just saw clips, and that was enough for me. THAT'S what people consider music?!

Thankfulness for Family

I was checking my facebook early Sunday morning and found this story posted by one of my friends. Usually I read what is shown and move on....but something about the picture caught my attention and I read the whole story.  By the time I finished reading it I was blubbering like a baby.  Since this is Thanksgiving week and I have been participating in 30 Days of Thanks I thought I would post this see....this is almost my story.....and if it is almost MY story....then it might be YOUR story.  I was one of the fortunate ones....although at the time I did not see it quite that way.  My parents lived with me the last five years of their lives.  I heard my dad's stories a hundred times....but that is ok....because they are imbedded in my memory.  I hugged them every day....and I would take nothing for that.  I gave them my television time and sat and watched Game Show Channel, Walker Texas Ranger, and the Gaithers with them....and every once in a while my dad and mom would reach over and squeeze my hand.  I am not saying it was all peaches and creamy all the time....but it was time spent with my parents in their last year.....and for that I am thankful.  I hope you take a nugget with you from this story....I know I did.  I learned that you should never take time with loved ones for granted.
"After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and ...
would love to spend some time with you.”

The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. “What’s wrong, are you well?” she asked.

My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. “I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you,” I responded. “Just the two of us.” She thought about it for a moment, and then said, “I would like that very much.”

That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an angel’s. “I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed, “she said, as she got into the car. “They can’t wait to hear about our meeting.”

We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print. Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips. “It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were small,” she said. “Then it’s time that you relax and let me return the favor,” I responded. During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation – nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent events of each other’s life. We talked so much that we missed the movie. As we arrived at her house later, she said, “I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.” I agreed.

“How was your dinner date?” asked my wife when I got home. “Very nice. Much more so than I could have imagined,” I answered.

A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have a chance to do anything for her. Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined. An attached note said: “I paid this bill in advance. I wasn’t sure that I could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two plates – one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you, son.”

At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: “I LOVE YOU” and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till “some other time.”