Thursday, May 2, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Ridiculous Words

“I’m so jelly of your hair!” the woman behind me at Target said.

I was momentarily confused. She was WHAT of my hair? Jelly? That’s a sweet spread, am I correct?

“It’s so long,” she continued.

I thanked her even though I was still baffled. Jelly? She looked to be about my age and she’s going around saying that she’s JELLY of my hair???

What was the world coming to?

All these new words.

Jelly, in case you didn’t know, apparently means jealous to some.

To me, it’s a sweet spread that belongs on toast or sandwiches.

Here are some others words that make me cringe: cray cray and selfies.

Cray cray means crazy to some.

It’s a nonsense word to me. I will never tell someone that they are acting so “cray cray.”

Selfies is one I just learned recently. If you take pictures of yourself, it’s a selfie.


Why are we making up ridiculous words?

And don’t get me started on how much I still hate amazeballs.

The rest of the world can partake in these nonsense words but I refuse. (It’s not so bad if teenagers use it. I used silly words as a teen. But when I see a forty year old saying that something is totes cray cray it makes me want to laugh my butt off.) (Totes means totally now. Really. Because saying the word totally is too long. I guess?)

My name is Amber and I will forever use the real words and omit the ones that don’t exist.

For example:

I am JEALOUS of the people who can afford personal chefs. It’s TOTALLY CRAZY that people still don’t understand the difference between your and you’re. I am taking a SELF PORTRAIT of myself and the fact that I was able to read an entire chapter of my book without getting interrupted is AMAZING.

See what I did there?

(Guess this means I’m a cranky old person. Hi.)

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