Thursday, May 23, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Bad Weather

There’s a chance we could have another tornado today.

It’s a small chance, but one nonetheless.

Oklahoma, as many of you know, was hit hard a couple of days ago, not just once, but twice.

It does not need another tornado.

Yes, it’s how Oklahoma goes during tornado season but I’m hoping—everyone here is hoping—that the state will catch a break. Tornado season is not over yet but maybe, maybe there won’t be anymore destructive tornadoes.

Please keep the weather tame, as people are still going through the debris, hoping to find something, anything, that they can possibly save. People are trying to clean up the mess the tornado left behind. It’s thought that the tornado caused 2 billion in damages.

Continue to keep Oklahoma in your thoughts.

Hope for calm weather.

(And since this is Things That Annoy Me Thursday, I have to say, it irritates me when I hear about the people who drive to Moore simply to take pictures. If you aren’t helping, stay away. It backs up traffic and makes it difficult for the people who ARE helping or for the people who DO live there to get into the area. The gawkers should be ashamed of themselves.)

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