Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Bugs You?

Things bug me.

I can't help it. I wish I could only see rainbows and flowers like Pollyanna but it's just not so. I've become crankier with age.

Here are some things that bug me:

--No turn signals while driving. I’m mentioned this many times in my blog and some people have commented saying they know people who do this. Do me a favor: tell those people to stop being lazy and to flick their damn wrists so other drivers know their intentions. Mmmkay?

--People who are constantly late with no explanation. I understand things come up. I have two kids, one of which likes to suddenly go limp or lock herself in the bathroom (coughs, Natalie.) But I’m polite and let the person know about it. Some people just breeze in and are like, “Am I late? Haha.” Not haha. Rude.

--People who complain that others “spoiled” a show for them on Facebook or Twitter. Here’s an idea: stay off those sites until you’ve watched the show.

--When people constantly use ur for your online. I cringe. I can't help it. I post on Facebook and Twitter a lot on my phone and I REFUSE to use ur. I can understand once in awhile but all the time? It only takes a couple of extra seconds to write your or you're, I promise...

--Commercials that have the mother cleaning up, cooking, or organizing stuff. Why can’t the man be doing that? Hello? It’s 2011.

--Extreme Couponers who clear an entire shelf. It’s rude. Oh, and people who say, “Do Extreme Couponers eat fruit and veggies?” since they mainly get cleaning products and boxed foods. Does it MATTER?

--Smoking in the car. This is so gross! Even with the window rolled down, it makes your vehicle smell like an ashtray. I cannot stand when someone lights up while driving.

--When people write ‘your welcome’ instead of ‘you’re welcome.’ I always want to be snarky and go, “Your welcome what?”

--Texting while driving. If you cannot wait to find out what Kardashian is boinking today, pull over. Don’t risk other people’s lives because you can’t wait to find out the scoop. Thanks.

--Judgmental mothers-look, I’m a proud disposable diaper choosing, epidural getting, breastfeeding, circumcising, Gerber baby food mother…if someone looks down on me for this, they can kiss my pale ass. I love how everyone is different, otherwise the world would be a boring place.

So what bugs you?

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