Friday, July 22, 2011

Our New Home

Oh hi!

Welcome to our new home.

Yes, those are plants in my front yard. I did not put them there. Housing did and they expect me to keep everything alive.

Don’t worry about the plants. I’ll take care of them.

No, really, I will.

At least, I’ll try to.

Come inside. You don’t even have to take off your shoes.

Have a seat on our brand new couches.

They’re chocolate colored. Seriously, that was the name of the color so I knew I had to have them.

And also, dark brown covers stains that children (and messy adults) make.

Are you thirsty? I would be too. The weather we’re experiencing is the worst. Come down the hall into the kitchen.

What would you like a drink? I have water, Diet Coke, milk, and…well, that’s it. I drank all the sweet tea. Sorry.

The kitchen is nice, right? I hope I don’t mess it up. Want to see my favorite part of the kitchen?

The fridge with the water and ice maker. I’ve never had base housing come with a fancy fridge like that before. It’s probably sad that I consider a fridge that makes water and ice “fancy”, but there you go.

Would you like to sit down and chat? Come into the dining room.

Let’s discuss Brendan and Rachel on Big Brother. Do you wonder how Brendan puts up with her? Do you wonder if Brendan’s family is like, “Really, Brendan? This is the woman you want to marry?” Do you wonder if Brendan ever feels the urge to stuff a sock in her mouth so he won’t have to hear her annoying laugh?

Oh, you have to go to the bathroom? Go ahead.

Yes, that is a Titanic picture up there. I’m not just obsessed with the movie, I love all things Titanic. Yes, I realize that’s strange. Yes, I even want to go on the Titanic Cruise even though people tell me it’s morbid. I think cruises have their lifeboat issues worked out by now though.

Yes, that is my laundry room/cat room. Don’t go in there. Max the cat just took a dump and he’s not good about covering his treasures.

You want to see my garage? Err…okay, but it’s a mess.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I know. I have a lot of stuff in there. I’ll get it organized.

In the year 2012.

Let’s go upstairs.

I know, the stairs seem to go on forever. Try carrying a wooden nightstand up these stairs. Twice. With your mother. And getting the giggles halfway up.

Here’s Tommy’s room. Oh, careful, you almost stepped on a Transformer. Those things hurt when you step on them. I once had Bumblebee’s head wedged in the middle of my foot. I thought he was supposed to be the good guy.

This is Natalie’s room. Yes, she rearranged the word above her bed. It’s supposed to say Dream. I swear I can spell.

Here’s Natalie’s closet. Yes, those are all her shoes down there. And that’s not even all of them. Is it sad that she has more shoes than I do?

You need to use the bathroom again? Go ahead. This is the children’s bathroom and I just cleaned it so you won’t have to worry about a scary toilet. I do have a boy, after all.

This is my room. Pardon the mess.

I got the bedding from Kohls. I think it was 60% off. I know! Great deal. Doesn’t Kohls rock? Oh, that box beside the bed? It’s full of Tom’s stuff. That’s his side of the bed. He gets to go through it when he gets back.

And this is our bathroom.

Want to see the walk in closet I blogged about before?

I know, it’s not as big as I would have liked but it will do.

Yes, some of my clothes are hanging on Tom’s side. I ran out of room. He doesn’t realize this since he’s in Korea. He probably won’t like it.

So that’s our new home.

Now that you’ve seen it, how about we go out to Steak N Shake? It’s one of my new favorite places. They have the best Diet Cherry Cokes and afterwards, we can share a triple chocolate milkshake.

Sound good?

(Actually, we’ll probably have to get our own milkshake. I’m a bit of a milkshake hog according to Tom.)

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