Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Momma!

Back in 1990 I was a participant in the Sun Belt Writer's Project through Auburn University.  We had to write stories, poems, etc. about various topics.  The whole concept was writing down to the bones....about things that meant something to us.  We wrote about heirlooms, people, events.  One of my favorite pieces is one I wrote about my mom.  Today would have been her 82nd birthday so I thought I would share a piece she loved.  I actually had it framed and done in calligraphy for her on her birthday eleven years ago....where it is in the hoarder house....who knows.  Want to know more about my mom....then visit my daughter, Kat's blog, Zambeste (it means smile in Romanian). 

Creek Mother

Turquoise, I believe you to be.

Indian features tell of Indian ancestry.

Turquoise, blue-green colors,

Blended expertly together

To form one,

Just like you and daddy.

Turquoise, bright and beautiful,

Laced with silver.

Your silver hair laces your face;

Beautiful to behold.

Each turquoise stone is as unique as you are.

Creek mother or Gitano,

Whoever you are,

Turquoise is the color of your very being.

Turquoise, I believe you to be,

My very favorite stone.

I thought since this was a special day I would give you a little insight into the life of Wilma Leigh Prophitt Sasser.  You do notice that my mom's name is Wilma....but did you know that my dad's name was really Fred.  Can you imagine how interesting that made my life as a child?
In her early days my mom loved the sun. She would lay out in our backyard covered with her homemade concoction of sun tan lotion:  olive oil, vinegar, and iodine.  She would have the prettiest tan.

Back in these days we lived on Georgia Ave.  It is the first house of ours that was torn down in the name of progress.  Our original house sat right across the street from Palm Beach High School.  Now it is enveloped in what is known as City Place.

Isn't she lovely.  She reminded me of Jackie Kennedy when I was younger.

One of our favorite things to do after the beach was go to A & W for a frosty rootbeer.  They had table top jukeboxes.  It was the coolest place on earth.

My grandparents (Tige and Emma), my brother, and my mom.

 After Kat's graduation Chuckles(Chuck is Kat's godfather) and mom share a moment on the coach.  I wish I could remember what they were talking about or looking at.
 At Jeni's wedding
Mom and Mrs. Johnny in B'ham on one of their many adventures.

Mom and Carla.  Carla was born when I was 15.  My mom was crazy about this one.

Susan, Jan, Mom, Scott, Chuckles and me at Eric's wedding.  Susan and I have been friends since we were five.  She is Kat's godmother.

Doing a little Boogie Woogie in my living room.

The "Great" grandmother holding Hayden.

In Knoxville the year Kat and Jan graduated from high school. 

Mom in her hair up days.  I loved it when she wore her hair this way.

Eric and Roulaine's wedding day.  Raegan, mom, Melissa, and Kat at Mistletoe Bough.

At her 80th birthday, shortly before the death of my dad.  Aunt Laverne, daddy, mom, Patricia and Roddy.

Christmas at Terri and Elin's in Birmingham.

Mom and dad on the school house steps in Kellyton.  The school is actually a house now and lovely.

Christmas at the lake house

Daddy's 80th birthday party, dad, Sue, mom and Rob

Thanksgiving at Adams.  This is one of the last pictures I have of my mom.  If I had known then what I know now I would have taken pictures of her every single day.

Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.
 It has been almost three months since my mom died.  I have actually gone down the nursing home road and found myself turning on my blinker to turn in.  I know the pain of her absence will dim in time but....for right now....I know she is celebrating her birthday with my dad and aunt and is happy.  Happy Birthday Momma!

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