On Natalie’s birthday I went for simple. Simple is good. I like simple, especially when my husband isn’t around to help.
This was what was waiting for Natalie when she woke up on her birthday:
See that mini 4 wheeler? I found it at Wal-Mart for TWENTY bucks on clearance.
Simple works for Natalie too because she loved everything. She opened her presents and at one point I had her cover her eyes so I could bring out the big box of Disney princesses. I suppose I could have wrapped it, but it would have taken up most of the roll. So closed eyes it was...
..she opened them and...
“Disney princesses! I love them all!” Natalie shrieked.
She’s really into princess stuff these days. And yes, I know there is even a book out there about how princesses took over this woman’s daughter, or something like that, but I think the princess obsession is sweet.
Natalie even picked out a cake based on the movie Tangled (it comes out on DVD March 29th and yes, Natalie wants it.)
There was no huge party for her birthday because the thought of a bunch of three and four year olds running around was enough to make me want to burst into tears. Maybe next year. Maybe.
We did have my friend Amanda’s family over for dinner and cake.
Natalie got to open more presents:
She was like, “A Kai-Lan doll!”
Then she blew out candles and yes, the cake was delicious. No, of course I didn’t make it. The lovely people at the commissary did.
At the end of the night Natalie informed me that being four was great, much better than three.
“Now I can wear the lipsticks!” she said.
“No lipsticks until you’re sixteen,” I explained.
Yeah, I’m sure THAT’S going to happen...
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